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Translation: Slit-mouth woman

Other names: None

Type: Unknown

Preference:: Heian/Edo Period/Nagaski

Habitat: Dimly-lit streets and alleys

Diet: Enjoys hard candies

Danger zone: Orange (Hostile)


About Kuchisake-onna
Kuchisake-Onna is a Japanese woman who was mutilated by her husband and returned as a malicious and pissed-off spirit. She will ask you a question and your answer determines your fate.


Kuchisake-onna's name comes from the deep, bloody gash which runs across her face, grinning from ear to ear. She appears at night, covering her mouth with a cloth mask, a fan, or a handkerchief. According to the modern legend, she appears in a light brown trench coat with long black hair, and her mouth is covered with a surgical mask.


Kuchisake-onna will appear in front of children who walk alone at night with her face covered  and asks, "Watashi Kirei (Am I pretty)?" Be careful about how you answer. If you answer no, she'll kill you with a pair of scissors which the woman carries, but if you answer yes, the woman takes off whatever she uses to cover her mouth with, revealing that her mouth is slit from ear to ear, and asks "Kore demo (How about now)?" If you answer no, you'll be cut in half and if you answer yes, then she will slit his/her mouth like hers (or follow you home and kill you there). Both are not good and it's nearly impossible to run away from her, as she will simply reappear in front of the victim.


(None in particular)


Children and/or Men


Escape plan: 
Believe it or not, there are a couple of ways to trick and escape her without getting hurt or killed. One way is to answer her second question with "You're average/so-so." She'll become confused, which will give you a chance to run and lose her in the darkness. You can also throw candy/money at her (just don't hit her) and she will become distracted and go to pick it up, which is also helpful to escape her. You can also completely switch the question on her, asking if you are pretty. She will get confused then leave.


Origin story: 
There are many stories that involved on how she became to be: some say that she was hit by a car, others say that she was an asylum patient. But the most common story says that she had an affair with another samurai and her husband cut her mouth with his sword.


NOPE Rating:

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