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Translation: Oil Baby

Other name(s): None

Type: Hi-no-tama (fireball) / Human

Preference: Shiga (Omi Province)

Habitat: Human-inhabited areas

Diet: Oil from lamps

Threat level: White (Safe)

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About Abura-Akago:
This yokai is quite interesting. Abura-Akago is a creature from the Omi Province that appears as an infant spirit lapping oil out of an andon lamp.


They are a type of hi-no-tama (fireball), one of the broadest genre of yokai, but can also take on the shape of a baby.


Abura-Akago first appears as mysterious orbs of fire that float aimlessly through the night sky. They drift from house to house and transforms into a small baby when they enter. In this baby form, they lick the oil from oil lamps and paper lanterns, known as andon. They then turn back into orbs and fly away. Weird.


Shape-shifting: They have the ability to transform from fireballs to human babies.


Is oil a target?


Escape plan:
They're not really dangerous to humans, so there's no actual point to avoid it, but just make sure you have a lot of oil.


Origin story:
Abura-Akago (as well as other oil-related yokai) is said to originate from oil thieves. Oil is very important for Japanese life as it's used for food and light, so it's devastating to lose to this yokai. While the particular circumstances of these oil thieves are lost to time, they mirror so many other yōkai that we can infer that these thieves died and-instead of passing on to the next life-turned into yōkai as a penalty for their sins.


NOPE rating:

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