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Translation: Giant centipede

Other names: None

Type: Animal

Preference: Shiga 

Habitat: Mountains and caves; any dark and humid place big enough to hold it...

Diet: Carnivores

Danger zone: Black (Huge Threat)


Ōmukade is a very large centipede-like yokai that lives in the mountains near Lake Biwa. Some stories say that it's so large that dragons feared it.


Ōmukade are monstrous mukade–centipedes (Scolopendra subspinipes) with dark bodies and bright orange legs and heads. They are often depicted with dragon-like features. While their non-monstrous cousins can grow up to 20 cm in length, the upper size limit on yōkai mukade is not known.


The Ōmukade is extremely rare but highly vicious and aggressive. If seen, they pose a threat to everyone since their exoskeleton is very tough to pierce. Getting bit by this thing is not the best thing; a smaller mukade's bite is pretty painful, but not as fatal. Getting bit by these guys is worst; their bites are very venomous and very strong. They have been known to torment dragons, for crying out loud!


(None in particular)




Escape plan:
Though their exoskeleton is tough, they do have one weakness they may come in handy: human spit. Any weapon coated with spit will pierce through their "armor" and will harm them (no promises, though)...or you can move...


Origin story:

There is a famous bridge in Shiga Prefecture known as Seta no Karahashi. Long ago, a great serpent appeared on the bridge and would not move. The villagers were too afraid to approach the serpent, and so they could not cross.One day, the brave warrior Fujiwara no Hidesato came to the bridge. He was not afraid of the serpent, and he crossed the bridge, crunching its great body under his feet. The serpent slithered back into the lake, and the bridge was clear again.

(There's more to this story, but you're gonna have to look it up yourself XD)


NOPE Rating:

Big Book of Mythology (Yokai Edition)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora