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Translation: Icicle woman

Other names: Tsurara-nyōbō, Shigama-nyobo, Kanekori Musume

Type: Human

Prefecture: Aomori/Niigata/Akita/Gifu

Habitat: Snowy areas (appears in winter)

Diet: Loneliness, normal food

Danger zone: Purple (Okay)


About Tsurara-onna:
Tsurara onna is a beautiful woman that is created from the loneliness of single men during the wintertime. When a man gazes longingly at a strong, beautiful icicle hanging from a roof and reflects upon his loneliness, Tsurara onna may appear shortly afterward.


She is very similar in appearance and behavior to Yuki-onna, which inhabits the same areas during wintertime. 


Tsurara-onna can be quite warm and loving spirits. In fact, many stories of tsurara onna involve one which has fallen in love with and married a human. These marriages invariably end in tragedy. The beautiful bride inevitably leaves when the spring comes, leaving her partner confused and heartbroken.


(None in particular)




Escape plan:
Do you want to escape someone so kind to you?


Origin story:
There are countless tales of tsurara onna. They are found in every prefecture where snowfalls and each one has its own unique twist. However, there are a few common motifs found in most versions of the story. Many of them are similar or even identical to yuki-onna stories. Themes of love, marriage, and betrayal are common.


NOPE Rating:

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