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Translation: Eight Feet Tall

Other names: Hasshakusama

Type: Unknown

Preference: Ehime

Habitat: Unknown

Diet: Unknown

Danger zone: Black (You're dead)


About Hachishakusama:
Hachishakusama is a Japanese urban legend about a ridiculously tall woman who abducts children and is said to have a deep masculine voice. (it's unknown on what else this creature does...)


Her name "Hachishakusama" literally means "eight feet tall" and that's exactly how tall this woman is. She has long black hair and wears a long white summer dress with a matching wide-brimmed hat and is abnormally pale.


Hachishakusama can disguise herself as a relative of a child in order to lure her victims away. If she sees a child that she likes, they are doomed to die by her hand. She attacks children and does not bother with adult prey because children are still dependent on older family members.


Voice masking: Can change her voice as the victims' loved ones to lure her victims to her.




Escape plan?
This requires a lot of praying and some kind of ritual thing to keep her from getting to you...and a one-way ticket out of Japan forever.  She will find you again, even if you become an adult.


Origin story:
Eight Feet Tall appears to be very similar to numerous other Japanese demons in the fact she usually seen dressed in white with long black hair and is always female - this may have something to do with ancient Japanese folklore having female ghosts that often sought revenge on the living or grew malicious after death (called Onryo); this same legend inspired fictional monsters like the girl from The Ring or the Grudge.


NOPE Rating:

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