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Translation: Pulley necks

Other names: None

Type: Human 

Preference: Unknown

Habitat: Human-inhabited places

Diet: Normal food (by day), Lamp oils (by night)

Danger zone: Purple (Okay)


About Rokurokubi:
Rokurokubi is a type of Japanese yōkai (apparition). They look almost completely like humans, with one major difference. There are two types of Rokurokubi: one whose necks stretch, and one whose heads come off and fly around freely (nukekubi).


They look almost completely like humans, with one major difference; their heads/necks can stretch.


By day, rokurokubi appear to be ordinary women. By night, however, their bodies sleep while their necks stretch to an incredible length and roam around freely. Sometimes their heads attack small animals, sometime they lick up lamp oil with their long tongue, and sometimes they just cause mischief by scaring nearby people.


Elastic Neck: Capable of stretching her neck to great lengths


Anyone (just for fun)


Escape plan:
There's no need to escape if you like mischief 


Origin story:


NOPE Rating:

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