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Translation: Ground spider

Other names: Yatsukahagi, Ogumo (giant spider)

Type: Animal

Preference: Nara, Kyoto

Habitat: Rural areas, mountains, forests, and caves

Diet: Anything that it can trap (yes, even humans)

Danger zone: Black (You're dead)


About Tsuchigumo:
What is it with Japan and spiders? The tsuchigumo, known as the purseweb spider in English, can be found all over the Japanese islands and throughout much of the world. Long-lived tsuchigumo can transform into yokai, and grow to a monstrous size, able to catch much larger prey (particularly humans).


It's a freaking spider demon!


Tsuchigumo live in the forests and mountains, making their homes in silk tubes from which they ambush prey that passes by. Like other spider yokai, they rely on illusion and trickery to deceive humans into letting down their guard.


(None in particular)




Escape plan:
I don't think you could...


Origin story:


NOPE Rating:

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