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Translation: Tree/Shrub child

Other names: None

Type: Plant

Preference: Edo Period

Habitat: Battlefields (places where mass deaths happens)

Diet: Blood

Danger zone: Red (Avoid)


About Jubokko:
The Jubokko is a youkai tree that appears in many books related to Japanese yokai, including Shigeru Mizuki's works.


It appears as a normal tree, but other people notice the slightly more fearsome features of its branches, or the piles of human bones buried in the undergrowth beneath the tree. In fact, they were once normal trees, but the vast amounts of the human blood absorbed through their roots causes them to transform into yokai.


Jubokko wait for unsuspecting humans to pass underneath their branches. When somebody gets close enough, they attack, snatching their prey up with long, jagged, finger-like branches, and hoisting it up into their boughs. These branches pierce the skin of their victims, sucking out all of the blood with special tube-like twigs. After the body is drained of everything the jubokko can take, the rest is consumed by birds, insects, and other animals, until only the dry bones fall back to earth. By the time most people are close enough to notice the heaps of bleached bones at the base of the tree, it is already too late to escape.


(None in particular)




Escape plan:
Just don't go near the tree and you'll be okay.


Origin story:


NOPE Rating:

Big Book of Mythology (Yokai Edition)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang