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Translation: Snow Woman

Other names: Yuki-onago, Yuki-Musume, Yukinba, Yuki-omba

Type: Human

Prefecture: Niigata (Alp Mountains)/Aomori/Yamagata

Habitat: Anywhere near snow (mostly mountain passes; appears during winter)

Diet: Life energy, but can eat regular food

Danger zone: Orange (Hostile)


About Yuki-onna:
Yuki-onna (aka. Snow woman) is a snow woman spirit described as inhumanly beautiful whose eyes can strike terror into mortals that get lost in the snowy mountains.


She appears as a tall, beautiful woman with long black hair and blue lips. Her inhumanly pale/transparent skin lets her blend in with the snowy landscape and wears a white kimono (or completely naked with her hair and face stand out). She floats across the snow, leaving no footsteps behind, and can transform into a cloud of mist or snow if threatened.


Though she is beautiful and serene in appearance, she is ruthless when killing her victims. She appears to lost travelers trapped in snowstorms and freezes them into frost-covered corpses. In some variations, she invades home; blowing into doors then killing people in their sleep.


*Ice/Snow manipulation: Yuki-onna's main ability is to control and manipulate ice and snow everywhere she goes.

*Supernatural beauty: She is known to be really beautiful, but is very ruthless when killing her victims

*Fear inducement: She has the power to strike fear in the eyes of her victims


Escape plan:
Despite her ruthlessness, she does have a softer side, often sparing supposed victims for various reasons. Better hope she has a reason to like you.


Anyone who is lost on snowy mountains (mostly men)


Origin story:
Yuki-onna once set a young boy free because of his age and beauty (after killing his father) but made him promise not to tell anyone about her and left. Later in his life, he told his wife about her story, then she reveals herself to him, reviling him for breaking his promise. But instead of killing him, she spares him again because of their children.


NOPE rating:

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