Alone at the shelter

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"Mummy! What's wrong with that that baby blue? His face is all messed up and yucky!"

Papyrus death glared the pair as the kid's mother dragged them by the hand across to the play pen on the other side of the store, only stopping when he could no longer see them from his view in the shared tank. He turned around with concern as he watched his little brother hide deeper within his little pillow fort, curled up to the point no-one would even know he was there.

He sighed as he sat down facing the glass wall, watching with disinterest as humans bustled about the shop, cooing over their new little companions. Today started out so well too, he managed to convince his bro to go for a quick walk around the store before the keepers opened up for the day. Granted he mainly stayed behind the selves or where he was sure no one would notice, but papyrus would take any progress he could get. It's been a while since he managed to get his brother to do anything without a dark cloud looming over his head, and that noisy little brat put him right back to square one.

He knew he was between a rock and a crazy place here. Baby blues were actually one of the most popular when it came to adoptions, but that's because they all shared a key fundamental trait; they were damn cute. Their bubbly personalities, the way they jumped around always up for an adventure, hell their eyes lights turned to literal stars when they get overly excited. They were affectionate and friendly and the small, slightly chubby, little blueberries always drew attention because they were just plain adorable.

But that wasn't how people would describe his brother, not anymore at least.

Since they made it back here, away from that hellhole, his brother was a little doubtful anyone would want them again, more specifically, want him at all. As the days turned into months without humans even looking at their direction without a disgusted grimace on their face, it really didn't leave room for the little hope he had left.

Bitties needed love to survive, it was just how they were made to be, and it didn't help that a baby blue was affectionate by nature. Pap didn't want to think about it, but he knew if he wasn't there to make sure blue ate something during the day, or to calm him down after his nightmares, there wouldn't be much of his brother left but a pile of dust.

He made his way to their little pillow fort at the back corner of the tank, ducking his head down as he went inside. He sat down next to his brother, closest to the entrance, wrapping an arm over his shoulders and pulling him close. His brother didn't react at first, empty eye sockets staring at the wall in thought, until eventually he slowly rested his skull against the other's worn orange hoddie, just encouraging pap to tighten his hold, rubbing his hand soothingly against the chipped and scratched up surface of his brother's arm. Listening for the chatter outside to calm down for the day, and the chime of the door as it got less and less frequent.

Maybe he can ask mama cry if they can help her out in the back room tomorrow, his bro always likes to help her out, at very least he'll be moving around.

Maybe if he's really lucky he could even get a smile from his... heh... blue companion.

Then again, he's never really been one for much luck, has he?

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