Meet the reader

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You woke up with a slight groan as you cursed you own past laziness. The breeching sunlight that should have stayed where it belonged outside, instead hitting you straight in the face through the half-closed blinds. Debating if it was worth getting out of bed to solve your problem, you searched through the mass of pillows on your bed for your phone, only to groan again in defeat when it revealed you could have slept in another hour.

It was Monday, which wasn't so bad for you since you worked mainly at home, but you figured you might as well get up now anyway.

... okay 10 more minutes.

When you finally dragged yourself out of bed, you turned on the tv and made yourself some breakfast. Vaguely listening to this week's weather forecast from your apartment's little breakfast bar. You got bored as they started droning on with their news stories and instead checked your phone, not being surprised when you had no notifications. You definitely weren't the most social of beings, not that you're really complaining.

Instead you're meet with the cute skeletal faces of little bitties peering up at the screen. That's right you were checking out the website again last night. You couldn't help but smile as you scrolled through the little info sheets; Sansy, little bro, baby blue, edgies- damn they were all freaking adorable. Honestly you were interested in them since they first came out to the market, who wouldn't like the idea of a little companion to keep you company throughout the day? The amount of times you went out with every idea to actually take a look inside the shelter, only to chicken out before you took a step in the door was beginning to get a little pathetic. I mean, sure you would love to have a little friend to be there for you, but these were extremely sentient beings! You would have to take care of them, make sure they ate well, probably take them outside a whole bunch- you barely do that for you, let alone another poor creature at the risk of your responsibility skills... which leave much to be desired. 

'Thunk' - you let your head hit the bench as you mulled over all the ways a bitty would not work out. How it was definitely not a good idea...

And even if you mustered up the courage and went there- whos to say they wanted to go home with you anyway? I mean they have to agree ofcourse and you wared fellow humans away like some monster from a horror movie just by being in the same general area, who in their right minds would say "sure I want to be with this walking disaster"!?

Heh... okay maybe you're over reacting just a little.

You lift your head up and look around your empty little apartment, the silence was starting to weigh down on you, it seemed to just get quieter every day.

Okay. you know what, you can do this. Yep that's it, your decided, first thing tomorrow you were going to just go in and have a look. That's all. No big deal, no attachments, just go and have a look.
You got up and started with your day, your chest feeling just that little bit lighter than usual.

A Trio of Misfits | Bittybones storyWhere stories live. Discover now