Not a big fan

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You're boss' monotone voice did little to catch your attention as you started to zone out again during the meeting. You easily tore your gaze away from the messy whiteboard diagram, and instead took to reading over the various notes you made on the paper in front of you, not that they were overly important- you just wanted to look like you were interested.

It wasn't surprising that your boredom let your blue pen start to sketch in the margin of the page, and before you knew it the idle shapes and lines turned into the very same little skeletons that your mind wandered to. After the mess you came home to last time, you really hoped that everything was alright. Your worry wasn't the only thing that echoed in your head either, their big pleading eyes really pulled at your heart strings this morning...

Maybe you could pick up something down at the shops to make it up to them? You were meaning to look for some more of those old Japanese movies blue seemed to like. After you all watched it that night it's proven to be a real favourite of his, the thrilling stealth and epic fight scenes of the ninjas always leading him to the edge of his seat, with wide, gleaming stars in his eyes. When he didn't think you were looking he liked to try the moves himself, and your spongy lounge proved excellent for jumping at every untimed karate chop or well placed kick.

A small smile pulled to your lips at your finished drawing, which ended up as a cartoony -slightly disproportioned- Blue, standing posed in a little ninja outfit of his own.

...just the thought was utterly adorable, you were going to have to try and make him one later. After making some little outfits for your bitties you were very pleased to say you were getting better, those little seams and doll-like sizes were hard to get the hang of, but you actually really enjoyed it.
It was nice to sit down and do some sewing, when you needed to relax but not get too lost in your own thoughts. Besides, the way their eyes lit up when you showed them was worth every pricked finger.

It was way more fun them your actual job anyway.

Speaking of boring- your eyes snapped back up attentively as you caught the end of Mr Tracy's speech.
"Well if there are no more questions then I do believe we can all get back to work, make sure we all keep our eye on that deadline!"
With a decisive closing snap of his notebook he packed up, the other workers following suit as they each started to file back to their respective desks.

As eager as you were to do just that, you hung back a minute to wait for the line-up to leave, and the man beside you seemed to have the same idea. You didn't think much of it, even though his friendly demeanour this morning took you a little off guard. You've seen Marcus at meetings and around the office, but never had the chance to talk to him before, and casual small talk wasn't really your special skill.

So when he lent down a little to talk to you with an almost cheeky grin on his face, he kinda took you by surprise.

"That was a cute drawing by the way, a ninja right?"

Well that's embarrassing.
Caught spacing out and doodling cartoons on your paper, he must think you're a real professional.
Your face must've changed a few shades since he started laughing, not mockingly however, and he gave you a playful nudge on the shoulder.

"I'm only messing with you! It was pretty cute though, do you like all that ninja samurai stuff?" he asked.
You willed the heat from your face and tried to match his easy going smile.

"Yeah, my bitties really like the old movies..." His grin seemed to just get bigger at the mention.
"You've got bitties? my mum got one of those last year, the little guy's great for keeping her company"

A Trio of Misfits | Bittybones storyWhere stories live. Discover now