Open your eyes

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You dragged yourself back out of your room, the change of clothes made you feel a little better but you were still exhausted. Although, the promise of pizza on the way did a pretty good job of keeping your eyes open.

That and the need to clean up this mess.

Well, most of it anyway. You could care less about the general disaster zone of the room, that could wait, but stepping on crockery shards didn't sound that fun for your poor, unsuspecting feet.

Your thoughts flickered worryingly to your little roommates, skeletons couldn't even get cut, could they? its not like they have skin...

Lets not find out. You got out the vacuum cleaner to catch any missing pieces hiding within the carpet until you were satisfied it was safe, better safe then sorry.

You also half-hazardly threw the cushions back on the lounge, there was no point having a lazy movie night without a comfy seat. You mildly thought about making a little pillow fort, damn that would be cozy. The boys would probably love it too if their plush, nest-like sleeping arrangement said anything. You noticed they both really liked soft things, you could understand why since they were made of bone, but if you find them half asleep in the clean laundry basket again you weren't going to be impressed.

Looking up you saw the bitties on the floor at the end of the lounge room, looking even smaller then usual with their guilty faces and apprehensive eyes, clearly trying to gauge if you were at all mad at them.

You weren't. Sure you would prefer it if they didn't trash the house, but after that type of reaction you were more then willing to just drop it altogether.

"Hey guys" you kept your voice light, the same as before, and at the sight of your tired smile you could basically see the relief that overcame the two.

"I ordered some pizza for dinner, it should be here soon"


They were quiet, like they were trying to piece together what they wanted to say.


When they still hadn't given any response, Papyrus just returned your worn out smile.

"So... how was work?"

You scrunched up your face at the thought, but glad for something to talk about.

"as fun as always, but I didn't get that much done so I might get called back in soon" you couldn't keep the tone of disdain from your voice if you tried.

They didn't seem to like the idea either as their faces fell, so you were quick to jump to something else.

"but what about you two? how was your day?" you tried your best to sound upbeat but it was hard when you were struggling to keep your eyes fully open.

Blue didn't seem to have the same issue, as he immediately perked up at the question

"OH, THE KITCHEN IS CLEAN!" He gestured behind him dramatically as if you won first prize at a game show.

The kitchen? it took a minute before you remembered the post-pancake state you had left it in. It would have been a decent job for you to clean up, it must have taken them most of the day!
but, looking past the skeleton jazz hands, it looked spotless.

A Trio of Misfits | Bittybones storyWhere stories live. Discover now