Food glorious food

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With the brothers working out the 'puzzle remote' of the tv, you were left to work out your own puzzle- how the heck you managed to work in this mess?

Sure you made it so the desk had just enough space for your laptop, and there was a path to the door... well there was before that stack of old fabrics fell over. To a bitty that didn't see the order to your madness this would look like some sort of mouse habitat...

This better not be a mouse habitat.

Armed with a garbage bag you made your way through the pile; re-stacking, organising draws, trying not to admit you're a bit of a hoarder as you throw out old documents from up to three years ago, dusting.
You actually worked pretty well, and by the time lunchtime came around you were happy enough to call it quits and move on to the second part of your day-plan. You happily bunched up the spare fabrics you found and made your way to the kitchen.

But, first you need lunch- maybe a grilled cheese? yep that sounded good, would they be okay with that?
"hey guys-"

The said bitties on the lounge leap up in alarm like you caught them red handed, pointedly trying to hide a chip packet behind them, which dosen't really work when they're small enough to use it as a greasy sleeping bag.

"Oh, hey, hows the cleaning goin'?" Papyrus casually recovers.

", good. All done actually. Are you guys hungry? you should have come told me" you pouted, feeling pretty guilty. You were used to lunch just being when you were hungry.

"You said we could help ourselves" Pap corrected, you kinda felt like it was more of a challenge?

"Well yeah, but I could of made you a better lunch then a packet of chips"

Blue piped up this time, fidgeting with his phalanges, "We did not want to bother you human"

... Aw, well that made you feel even worse.
"I don't mind" you offered a reassuring smile "honesty, don't hesitate to ask me for anything"

Even as you said that you knew it wasn't going to be that easy, but you were ready to be patient.

"I was planing on making a grilled cheese for lunch, do you guys want one?"

Blue was quick to pipe up again
"No. Do not worry about us human" he gave a pointed look at his brother
"We have already acquired lunch"

Papyrus' shoulders slouched in defeat but he didn't complain.

"well, alright, but let me know if you change your minds"
You turned back to the kitchen- only to find papyrus on the bench, chips in hand.

"AH!" you jumped back, hand over your heart.

Yep still not used to that.

Papyrus just grinned at your reaction
"heh, sorry. Didn't mean to make you jump outta your skin" Your face flushed in embarrassment.
In a flash, literally, Blue was at his side, hands on his hips and glaring up at the taller brother accusingly.

"Papyrus! You shouldn't scare the human like that!"
...oh gosh his angry pout was adorable.
"And a proper apology should not include a horrible pun!"

Blue's scolding just made papyrus smile wider and he shrugged.
"Sorry bro, my bad. I'll cut out the jump scares"
As blue fumed you continued into the kitchen.

"i-it's okay, I just forgot you two could do that" the brothers watched on as you started making your sandwich.

"... can you guys do anything else? with your magic?"

Papyrus just shrugged at you "meh"

. . . ? well that did nothing to help your curiosity.
Alrighty then, looks like you'll just find out later.

mmmm, this smells so good.
"whats all this?"

"hmm?" you turn to see the brothers checking out the pile of fabrics you dumped on the counter.
"oh I dug them out of my study to make some clothes, can pick out your favourites for me? there's plenty of colours"

ah, grilled perfection.
You sit at the counter and see the two have already went straight for the orange and blue, heh, you could have guessed that one.

Halfway through the sandwich you notice papyrus' longing gaze locked onto your meal.
"want some?" you offer a small square.

He looks down, skull a little orange that you caught him staring, but shyly takes the piece.
You nod and cut off another, "want some Blue?"

"but-" he looked at his brother enjoying his small sandwich "we already ate. That's your lunch human"

"I don't mind sharing, besides chips aren't much of a lunch anyway" neither is a grilled cheese but oh well.
"It's reeeally nice" you try to persuade

"W-well... if you insist" he takes it from your hand, carefully. "thank you"

"Your welcome" they acted so weird when it came to food, maybe if you asked casually?
"so, what did you guys usually eat at the centre?" ...well done (y/n), talk about smooth.

Pap shrugged, immersed in his melted lunch

"There were alot of mouths to feed, so mostly just this... 'nutrient flakes'? or whatever they called them- lots of calcium, but none of them tasted as good as your food"

"mmm" Blue nodded in agreement, a bit of melted cheese hanging from his mouth.
You couldn't help but smile, feeling proud of yourself since cooking was never a particularly strong suit of yours. At least it sounds like they had enough food there, that doesn't really explain why they're so weird about it but you didn't see a reason to pry any further.
Not now anyway.

With your plate away and hands washed you went through the fabric pile eagerly- nice soft cottons, cut up old denim, that knitted one will make such a cute jumper!
Its been awhile since you had this sort of project and you let yourself get excited.

"You know you can pick other colours guys" you teased lightly at the sight of every blue and the few orange left in their own pile.

"blue is my favourite!" he defended childishly, much to his own shock and embarrassment when you giggle at his outburst.

His face glowed and he shuffled back into his scarf, hiding away from your smile.
You haven't really seen him outside his little shell before, and you were honestly adoring it. 
And you weren't the only one.

"heh, yeah orange suits me just fine"
that one earnt a muffled groan from both of you. Not his best work, but it still couldn't stop the smile on your face.

This was really nice.

A/N- Guess who should be studying? oh well here's another chapter~
Thanks for waiting and for all the lovely comments!
Hope you enjoy c:

A Trio of Misfits | Bittybones storyWhere stories live. Discover now