Can you please knock it off?

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The interaction, as expected, did not go unnoticed to those in attendance, achieving an unintentional sense of intimacy.

There were, however, five sets of eyes that were paying particular attention to the whole thing.

The first pair were, of course, the parents, carefully watching how each other got near to whisper in each others ear, in particular, the part where Miranda cracked a laugh loud enough to raise most heads on the table, only to witness the follow up from Josh.

Once dinner was over, most of those in attendance, most likely those who only attended due to social duty, excused themselves.

the rest disseminated across the whole room and the terrace, creating a somewhat more intimate feel to the gathering, as little cells comprised of four or five people each, started to form.

Matthew got busy for a bit sending off people, after all, no good host leaves their guest unattended until they leave the door, or so Matthew used to say.

"i think that's done" he announced while approaching the children "it's time all four of us have a little chat, follow me" he ordered.

Josh and Miranda nodded, and proceded to follow him.

Stella was already standing by the door of Matthew's studio, where no doubt they wouldn't be interrupted.

while walking towards it, Miranda could spot the third and fourth pair of eyes.

Not far from where Stella was standing, next to a little table with appetizers, there they stood, Michelle and Rebecca, with their eyes sharp as a blade, inspecting the pair from head to toe.

Miranda could notice that Josh was particularly getting their attention.

Michelle and Rebecca turned at her, both wearing ample devilish smiles, although Miranda knew well enough that their smiles, in appearance equal, meant different diametrically different things.

Michelle's almost certainly meant "cute babies, cute babies, cute babies!!!", Miranda blushed at the thought, as she could not avoid but agree with the idea, Josh was, without a doubt, one exceptionally attractive man, tall, handsome, and with a body that would give any model a run for their money, cute babies were, thus, almost a guarantee.

As for Rebecca's, she knew her friend well enough to know that her stare and that smile meant something along the lines of "you lucky bitch!" or "i know the baby is already on its way, but if i were you i might as well reenact conception, over and over again", Miranda also blushed at the thought, she would never admit to it, of course, but once she saw Josh entering the car earlier, somewhere, in a remote corner of her mind, a little thought came to her. 

"and to think that you don't even remember anything, you stupid bitch!".

Miranda continued to walk alongside Josh, holding his arm.

She felt the walk almost like the death row, as she approached her father studio doors.

Once they both had entered, Matthew closed the door shut, and proceeded to seat on his desk chair, while Stella remained standing beside him.

"we are all ears" Matthew declared.

Miranda seated in one of the chairs across from the desk, and pulled Josh's sleeve so he would do the same.

"i think we already said what you needed to know" Miranda uttered "we have been seeing each other for the past six months"

Matthew crossed him hands and leaned in, until his elbows were resting on the desk.

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