Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

          Later that night, at the dinner party, less nobles came. Those that did come wore fake cheerful smiles over the anxiety beneath as they greeted one another cautiously, uncertain whether the killer of the deceased duchess was amongst them. Jane soon arrived and was escorted to the vast dining hall. As she entered, she sensed the tension in the atmosphere. The hall was brightly lit as usual. There was the crisp smell of well-prepared food that hung in the air. The musicians were playing a rather solemn tune, instead of the usual playful melodies. The three princes were busy talking among themselves, until Jane made her way towards them.

          "Good evening Jane" smiled Aaron. "We have great news. We may have discovered something concerning the death of the duchess."

           "It appears that our killer wasn't working alone." said Lance grimly. "It is someone who has access to the kitchen. So our murderer must be someone among our staff or at least has access to the kitchen or any other restricted area of the castle."

            "Well your highnesses, why tell me this?" questioned Jane trying to keep her composure.

            "Jane, you grew up with us, you're one of us, our family despite your different background." stated Lance smirking sarcastically.

            Jane's lips curled up in a snarl as the two other princes slapped their elder brother's arm. "Jane, I'm just playing, I'm sorry." apologized the prince.

             "Jane, he's just being an idiot." said Aaron apologetically.

             "It is fine." assured Jane trying to dismiss her anger.

               "Whoever the killer is, we'll catch him." stated Collin quickly to change to topic as the dinner gong rang.

             The large mass that was slowly dancing moved toward the massive, mahogany table that was piled with delicacies that the chefs labored over. As everyone sat down, the king stood up tapping his goblet. "Welcome everyone, thank you for coming to this banquet. I know the solemn news of the death of our Duchess Elise, but let's not dwell on sorrowful topics and toast to the homecoming of my son, Prince Aaron, after returning from our now chaotic sister-country."

           After the toast, groups of kitchen servants rushed out of the kitchen to refill goblets of wine and replenish the bread baskets, and butter plates. There was a constant commotion around the room, the ladies and duchesses whispering about the latest gossip, and the dukes and lords roaring with laughter, the melodic sound of the musicians, and the sound of plates clattering as a servant girl picks up dirty plates and replace them with clean ones.

           Throughout the time, Jane politely chatted with the Duke of Buckland, who was seated next to her. After their conversation, Jane's eyes drifted toward Collin just as a servant with jet black hair tapped his shoulder. For a moment, Jane thought she saw a stunned look flash across Collin's face, but decided to disregard it. A few minutes after, Collin stood, excused himself and walked out into the garden where it was slightly drizzling. After a few minutes, Jane also excused herself. While pretending to go to the wash room, she turned and followed Collin.

         Hiding behind a statue, she watched as the same black haired servant came out to meet Collin. Instead of wearing the kitchen apron, he had on fine leather riding clothes, the kind only nobility could afford. The stranger was tall and athletically built. His long black hair was tied back with a black leather string. Jane watched with confusion as the two smiled and clasped hands.

       "Collin, how good to see you again after what? Fifteen years?" said the stranger giving Collin a heartfelt hug. "I was afraid you wouldn't be here, but with the rest of the court guards in the south."

         "I'm happy to see too, Kieran, when I heard you ran away I was worried about what kind of trouble you'd get into. So I believe you owe me an explanation about what is going on and where is the trademark white streak in your hair?"

         "I dyed it so it wouldn't give me away, but anyways I will start from the beginning. A few months ago there was a banquet in honor of my brother's tenth birthday. Everything was fine until the King, my father, collapsed on the ground. There were two small indentations in his wrist similar to a snake's bite. When the physicians investigated his blood, all traces of the venom were gone, and he was still in perfect health. People do not just collapsed dead. I quickly set out to investigate the kind of venom that can cause that. I traveled throughout Andorra, but I couldn't find a thing so I came here looking for your help. I disappeared because as long as my brother is heir temporarily, the most the power-hungry warlords can do is fight for his guardianship. If I was there, they would attempt to assassinate both of us. After fruitless investigations throughout Andorra, I came here hoping to find you and continue the search here. But with all the commotion lately, I didn't think my problem would be a main priority for you."

       "Well what is it that you've come for?" inquired Collin. "How can I help?"

         "I need you to keep me hidden long enough for me to uncover the murderer and search for the source of the venom."

        "I will see what I can do for now, but be careful."



Presenting the lost prince of Andorra!1 Thank you for supporting my story so far.

<3 asiangirl13

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