Chapter 24

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Later that evening in the Andorrean Court, Jane was brought a white, silk dress accompanied by a box of jewelry. Taking the dress and the box, Jane thanked the maid. "It is from Lady Arabella. She would like you to wear it tonight to the dinner." said the maid before bowing and leaving.

Jane brought the dress inside her room and tried it on. It was low cut, but it fitted her slender figure perfectly. She and Arabella must have the same figures. She then went to the box and opened it to find a necklace, a pair of earrings, and bracelet. They had dark emerald stones set in silver. Jane placed them on and looked at herself in the mirror. Just then there was a knock on her door. "Come in." she said. The door opened and Collin came in.

"My, you look lovely this evening, Lady Jane." smiled Collin, sitting in a chair. "Jane, what is your opinion of Lady Arabella?"

Jane turned to look at him. "She strikes me as a very curious individual. I cannot specifically point out what it is though."

Collin nodded his head in agreement. "I noticed it too. Her complexion is not like the usual Andorrean tan skin. She looks like you."

"It is more than the looks, too. It is the aura, her atmosphere."

Collin again nodded. Standing up, he offered his hand to Jane. "It is time we go now." Jane quickly pinned one last strand of hair up and took his arm.

When they reached the main hall, they noticed the bright decorations of different flags. The music filled the hall as people danced and food was being served. Collin walked Jane down to meet Kieran and Arabella. The two were greeted warmly.

"I am glad to see you come." smiled Kieran. "I do apologize, though, for the parties here are not as extravagant as the ones in Tuscania."

"Not at all," replied Collin. "The parties in Tuscania are too much." Collin took Arabella's hand and kissed it. "My, my, Kieran what a lovely fiancée you have."

Arabella flushed and Kieran nodded. "We have been close friends for many years. Arabella, this is Prince Collin Cross and Lady Jane Castellans. They will assist me in finding the cause of my father's death."

"It is very nice to meet you." smiled Arabella.

"Now Collin, I must show you something." said Kieran, he motioned Collin to follow him and the two of them walked off.

Jane and Arabella watched as they left. Jane then turned back to Arabella. "I must thank you, Lady Arabella, for lending me this dress and the jewelry."

Arabella shook her head and smiled. "No not at all, the dress I had made for you. You may have it, and I see it fits you perfectly. Consider it a token of my gratitude for bringing Kieran back and for offering to assist him in searching for the cause of his father's death."

"I will try my hardest to discover the cause." replied Jane.m

"So, Lady Jane, please tell me about yourself."

"I am the Grand Duchess of Renzarus, a territory of Tuscania, not for from the Royal Palace. My powers is second to only the Royal Family. I was adopted by the Royal Family when I was young. I grew up alongside Prince Lance, Prince Aaron, and Prince Collin. At the age of twenty, I left the Royal Palace and was granted my own duchy."

"Oh my, you have an interesting past! My father is a lord of a small territory in the north. I met Prince Kieran when I was sent here, to the palace, to study." Arabella smiled.

Jane smiled back. "When do you plan to have your wedding?"

Arabella just shook her head sadly. "We have planned it for a year now, but so much has happened lately. I do not want to bother Kieran about it now. He has so many things to worry about." Arabella shrugged, but then smiled. "Is Prince Collin your lover? He seems very close to you."

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