Chapter 7

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           Chapter 7

         Jane watched as the two men took their leave and returned to the dining room. Soon after Jane watched the princes leave, she also made her retreat from behind the statue. She slowly made her way back to the dining hall where apparently the guests were drunk and laughing. The entire hall was filled with the King's roaring laughter. As Jane silently returned to her seat, she knew that a pair of suspicious eyes from the Crown Prince was following her.              

The rest of the evening went on like any other party. Right before Jane's carriage left, Collin slowly walked up to the carriage and told her that he would be stopping by to see her to tell her something of importance.

               The next day, while Jane was sitting quietly beside Velvet who was enjoying his breakfast pastries, a servant quietly walked into the room to announce the arrival of Prince Collin.

               “Well?" said Jane simply slightly annoyed as Collin walked in and removed his brown leather cloak.

               Collin dressed in his simple riding clothes, sat in one of the oak chairs beside Jane, smiling his biggest smile, seemed slightly nervous. "Last night..."

               "I know what happened last night Collin, I heard everything." stated Jane cutting the prince off without bothering to look up from her tea. "My question is how do you know the Andorrean Prince?"

               "A few years before you came to live with us, I was sent to the Andorrean court to be raised in the royal family. My parents had hoped this would strengthen their bond with other ruling monarchs, and help them take the throne. I was at the age of six when I left. Five years later, I received news that the ruling family of Tuscania was massacred, and my family had taken over." explained Collin quickly glancing up at Jane, detecting a slight twitch at the corner of her eye due to the last statement. "I no longer had a purpose for remaining so I returned."

After a few moments of silence, Jane was the first to speak. "Very well. Is there anything else you need to tell me?"

"Well, how should we handle the situation?" stammered Collin.

               "Hm...., well let's see, we have the lost Andorrean Prince in our court, trying to solve the mystery of his father's death. I would like to meet this prince. Bring him along the next time you come here, and I trust you won't be telling Lance or anyone else about this, correct?"

               "Just like back then, huh Jane, always the one with the best secrets and hiding places." smiled Collin.

               "You boys never could find me could you? I was always good at hide-and-seek." said Jane, giving Collin a rare sincere smile.

               "Oh, there’s one more thing."

               "What is it?"

               "Don't overdo anything."

                 "I won't."



Another short chapter but htanks for your support... :)

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