Chapter 26

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A few days had passed, and everything seemed silent. Velvet had returned well and had stayed beside Jane at all times. Collin would visit Jane several times a day, but often had matters of utmost importance to attend to. Lastly, Jane went to see Lance daily. The two would often discuss the book Jane's mother had written.  

One day, Jane was carrying a basket of fruit for Lance. When she left the kitchen, a hand pulled her back.  

"Where have you been running off to, my sweet?

Jane turned and came face to face with Collin's red eyes. "I am not going anywhere." 

"Oh really? Jane, do not take me for a fool. I know that you have been spending a lot of time seeing Lance, lately."  

"I bring him food because you are starving him."

"And does that bother you now? It wouldn't have in the past." 

"It does not mean anything."  

"No, it does. I saw it before continuously. You claim that you have forgotten your feelings, but I still see them. I see how you unconsciously touch that ring around you neck. I saw it before, but I disregarded because I loved you too much to admit that you loved my brother!" Collin said. Turning, he said, "Perhaps I must eliminate the problem?" With Collin walked off.  

Jane followed Collin. Collin walked into to the dungeon, making his way to Lance's cell. As he walked, the doors of the prisons flew open. When Collin reached Lance's cell, the door flew open and Collin walked in. He raised his hand slowly. Lance began choking. Collin was suffocate Jane ran and grabbed Collin's arm. "Collin, do not do this."  

Collin threw Lance down and turned to Jane. "I will kill you both. Such a pity, Jane, I choose you to rule the world beside me, and this is what I get in return? You and him are despicable. You were meant for each other." With that, Collin stormed away.  

Jane ran to Lance and helped him up. "Are you alright?" Lance coughed and nodded. "Thank you for saving me."  

Jane shook her head. "That was Collin's warning. We need to leave now. Get up. Come with me. I need to get Velvet." Lance and Jane quickly got up an ran to Jane's room. Jane opened the door and called for Velvet. After Velvet flew down, Jan grabbed two cloaks and threw one to Lance.  

They ran to the stables and found two horses. Once they saddled them, a figure on a horse came out of the shadows. Jane and Lance turned spun around. "Do not be afraid. It is I, Arabella." She lifted her hood."Let us not speak now. Follow me. I know where you can stay."  

Lance looked at Jane questioningly, but Jane nodded and got on her horse. Lance followed, and the two followed Arabella. For a whole day, Jane, Lance, and Arabella rode without stopping. They headed out of the city and towards a rural area. There were small farms and large fields of crops.  

Finally, when they stopped to let the horses rest, Lance approached Jane. "Who is she? Should we trust her?" Jane nodded. "She was Prince Kieran's fiancée. We can trust her." Jane replied, bending down to the stream and washing her hand in the cold water.  

"Her appearance, she looks like you."  

"So you have noticed?"  

"If you believe we should trust her, very well."  

Suddenly Arabella walked up to them. "We are going to my father's estate. There, Lady Jane, we have something to discuss."  

Jane and Lance headed back to their horses, and resumed their journey. Jane sped up her horse to catch up to Arabella. "Why are you helping me? I am a friend of the man that killed Kieran."  

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