Chapter 22

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Ch. 22

Just before midnight, Collin stopped Jane and Kieran. "The City Guards are on their way. We should find a place to stop for the night. If we go on, we will run into them. Besides, we should rest for the night."

Kieran stopped and shook his head. "We are almost there. If we stop, the border patrol will catch us tomorrow when we cross. We should continue just a little bit more." 

After a moment, Collin nodded. "Fine, let's go." The three resumed their journey through the dark night. 

Meanwhile, back at the royal palace, the courtyard was lit by several touches tied to stakes in the ground. Lance was wearing his uniform and was pacing back in front of a group of men. "Vice-captain Raega, step forth."

A large man stepped forth, the wind blew his crimson cape with a large crest on it. "Yes, Your Highness, you summoned?"

"Yes, I have an announcement for the City Guard." Lance looked at the other men. "Lady Jane Castellans and Royal Prince Collin are guilty of the murder of Queen Arianne. You will patrol the Tuscian-Andorrean borders for I have reason to believe they are fleeing for Andorra because, sailing across the Erias Sea to Sendarus will take too long. I want reports every six hours from messenger hawks. If and when you find them, I want them unharmed. They must be fit for trial. Dismiss." said Lance.

Raega turned back to his men and nodded. "Pherus and Hesa's squads head for the northeastern border. Deras and my squads will head to the southeastern border." command Raega. "And men, remember what our prince asks of us." The men's eyes twinkled and nodded in acknowledge of the secret meaning of the last comment. The men hurried and got on their horses, waiting for their squad leaders to lead them. Raega was at the head of the group. "Head out!"

"You knew about it, didn't you? Why did you not tell me? I trusted you."

"Jane, I couldn't have told you." whispered Lance. "No, please stay here with me. Don't leave!" Lance woke up to the brightly lit room, sweaty and panting. It was just a dream. He ran his hands through his blonde hair. "Jane, you demon, haunt me no longer." Lance laid back down, but he couldn't close his eyes. He laid there for several minutes, but then got up. He grabbed a shirt from his wardrobe and put it on. He threw open the door of his chambers and walked to the northern wing of the palace. He turned down the hall and walked up to the white, marbled doors. Lance turned the doorknob and stepped in the room, closing it behind him. The faint smell of perfume washed over him. Lance closed his eyes and smiled. He missed this smell. No. It was not simply the smell of the perfume he missed. It was Jane he truly missed. It was the only explanation for the dreams. Several years ago, his coronation was going to be her's as well. He was going to rule the kingdom and she was going to be beside him. Now, it was just old wish.

Suddenly the door slammed open. "Lance, where on earth have you been? I have been looking for you!" panted Aaron, out of breath.

Lance turned around. "What? Has the City Guard found Collin?"

"No, I am here for a different reason. Also, why are you in here? Are you-"

"No, I was just walking around and decided to go in here." interrupted Lance. "So, what is it?"

"Lance, the council has decided to find you a bride."

Lance stood in shock. "What? By whose orders? Am I not the head of the council now?"

Aaron shook his head. "Lord Plerus decided and it will be his daughter that you will court. We are acquainted with her. Mother had Collin court her years ago. If I recall correctly, Collin described her as a conceited, dunce that would die if left on the streets for a day." Lance frowned. "It seems her father is very insistent on getting her into the royal family."

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