Chapter 23

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Ch. 23

The wind ran through Jane's hair as her horse galloped on the dust road. In front of her rode Kieran and behind her was Collin. They have been riding for a whole day without rest. They finally were only less than half a day's ride away and the sun was getting ready to set.The city gates were visible on the horizon. The sky was a red-orange color that seemed to stretch miles on either side. Once they reached the large, wooden doors, guards standing from the watchtowers questioned who they were. After saying that they were travelers, the large doors swung open for them to enter.

The city had tent shops along the streets. Vendors were shouting and selling as animals bleated. Kieran got off his horse and Jane and Collin followed. They led their horses past the crowded streets. They headed south towards the harbor. There, they were greeted by the salty smell of the ocean and the smell of fish. There were boats of all kinds and sizes. Fishermen were hauling net loads of fish onto the dock. Jane held her horse's reigns tightly just in case it got frightened by the rats darting around. Kieran led them to a small pub in an alleyway.

The trio tied their horses to a pole outside. Jane pulled up her hood and so did the others before they entered.The pub was dark and was filled with the sound of an out-of-tuned piano. There were sailors everywhere, drinking, and eating before heading out to sea. Jane and Collin sat down at a small table in the corner of the room.

"Wait for me here. I will meet a friend of mine and bring him back here." said Kieranand headed back out of the pub. He stepped back out into the sunlight and went further down into the alley. At the end, he stopped in front of a wooden door with a knocker in the shape of a lion. Kieran loudly knocked on the door and waited a few minutes before a gruff voice answered him.

"Who is it? We are not opened for business. Please come back tomorrow." said the voice.

"It is me, Felix." replied Kieran. "I have a favor to ask of you, old friend."

The door immediately flew open. A large man with a stubbled chin and a round belly stepped out. He squinted his eyes in the sunlight to look at Kieran. After a few moments, he recognized Kieran and threw him a warm embrace.

Kieran laughed. "It is good to see you also my friend." He patted the Felix's back. "How have you been after all these years?"

Felix pulled away to look at Kieran, but did not return the smile. "I am doing fine, my boy, but how about yourself?You have been gone for moths. Where have you been? I heard you poor mother and brother, Laru have been harassed constantly by the Baron of Retns and Carakz. You must return and reclaim the throne. Your brother has been named temporary heir, but he is too young to correctly govern the state."

"That is what I intend to do. I came to ask you to grant my companions and me passage on your ship to return to the capital." nodded Kieran.

Felix nodded. "Yes, you may. It will be my honor to bring the Crown Prince of Andorra back to reclaim his throne. Kieran, when do you intend to depart? I will have the ship ready by then."

"As soon as possible, but first, I must ready my friends." returned Kieran. "Felix, I believe you will remember one of them. It has been many years since you last saw him, though."

They walked down the alley back to the pub. When they entered, Kieran led Felix to Collin and Jane's table in the corner. When Collin looked up to see Felix, he jumped to his feet and clasped hands with him. Felix patted Collin on the back.

"You look well, Felix. You have not aged a day." smiled Collin. "It has been almost thirteen or fourteen years since that summer you, Kieran, and I went out to sea for three months."

Felix nodded. "I cannot say the say to you, my boy. You have grown tremendously, but the mischievous twinkle in your eyes are still the same. Oh my, what a beautiful young lady." said Felix, shaking Jane's hand. "I am an old friend of Prince Kieran's. It is very nice to meet you." Jane nodded her greeting. Felix turned to Kieran and crossed his arms across his chest. "So, you went Tuscania to bring back your sworn brother, Prince Collin."

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