chapter 25

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Ch- 25 

Collin stood there hold a dagger covered in blood. He looked back at Kieran's body and threw down the dagger. "It's a pity. He was never better than me at sparring." He looked at Jane and smiled again. "Now, Jane what was it you needed to tell Kieran?" 

Jane backed away but Collin advanced.  

"What did you discover, love?" repeated Collin, a bit more forcefully.  

"Blood tablets" muttered Jane, backing into the wall. Her eyes never left Collin's.  

Collin laughed and applauded. "You are such an intelligent woman!" He walked to Jane and cupped her cheek and kissed her. "I knew you would be able to uncover the poison. That is why I told you to stop it. None of this would have happened if you had listen to me."  

"Why, why did you kill Kieran?" whispered Jane. "What are you doing?"  

Collin stepped back and once again laughed. "Is it not wonderful, my beloved Jane? I am now king of Andorra!" He walked to a window at looked out to the city. Turning back to Jane, Collin smiled. "And you, my love, are the Queen."  

Jane stepped forward. "Are you insane? The lords and barons fighting over this throne! What of the Queen? How can you be king?" Jane walked up to Collin. Collin turned and looked at Jane, his smile disappeared. "It was you. You killed Kieran's father. There was no other way my blood tablets would have ever gotten into Andorra. It was you!"  

Collin nodded. "I killed both of them, my father and Kieran's father. It was quite simple. The blood tablets would cause their blood cells to multiply rapidly. The sudden change in their blood sent their bodies into shock and their body would cease to function, killing them. But, of course I did not act alone. The lords and barons of Andorra will be happy to obey if you can promise them a large amount of money. I stole your tablets, but for a good reason. You would never agree to marry me if you weren't queen, but now you are. You wanted to live in a moment of no conflict. I created that moment for you, for the both of us. The Queen is not a problem. She and that brat are in the dungeon. They will be taken cared of, for now."  

Jane stared at Collin in disbelief. This was not the same carefree prince. "Are you insane, Collin?" 

"I am insanely in love with you." Collin laughed at Jane's aghast expression. "You will stay here with me, Jane, until our coronation. Once we rule, we will wage war on Tuscania like you wanted and once we conquer it. We will rule both Andorra and Tuscania. For now, you may return to your chambers. You will not be allowed to leave the palace and there will be guards at your door." Collin stroked Jane's cheek. "Don't look like that, love. It is only a precaution just in case someone decides to leave me. I will ask for you tonight to join me for supper, but for now, I have people to see." Collin took out Lance's ring from his pocket and tossed it to Jane. "Here you keep it as a reminder of the past that you tried so hard to overcome." 

Jane held her tongue as she picked up he ring. She knew if she acted rash, no good would come from it. Jane had to follow along with what Collin wanted. The only one that could defeat Collin was Lance. She must find a way to tell him. 

"I have no intention of running away from you, Collin. I was wrong. I thought you were too slothful to do something like this, but you proved me wrong. I am very impressed. I will be honored to be your queen, my love." Jane pulled Collin towards her and kissed him. She turned and walked out of the throne room.  

Jane immediately ran the laboratory. Opening the black doors, she called for Velvet. When Velvet flew up to her, she told him to come with her immediately. 

"Jane, what is the matter?" asked Velvet when they reached Jane's room and closed the door.  

Jane bolted the door lock and closed the blinds. "Velvet, Kieran is dead." breathed Jane, out of breath. She sat on the bed and Velvet sat in her lap. 

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