Chapter 13

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  • Dedicated to Jason Park

Pt. 18

Ch. 13

            “It is pouring outside, such depressing weather.” sighed Velvet, looking out of the window of Jane’s studies to see nothing but rain pounding the ground. The sky was dark and depressing. “Come now, Jane, let us enjoy some sweets to cheer the place up. It is too dreary.”

            “No thank you, Velvet. Go ahead and help yourself. You know I do not care for sweets.” replied Jane, sitting in the big leather chair, reading. “I am still satisfied from this morning.”

            “I still detest the fact that you fed off the prince. We will be lucky if it does not trouble. Just imagine, the Queen finding out. The whole court will find out, and think about all the rumors and conspiracies that will spread. Do you not know what is at stake here? People will start hunting you down like a monster!”

            “My dear Velvet, your imagination is truly amazing. First, Lance would not leave when I told him to. He brought in upon himself. It is not my fault. Besides, I doubt he will tell. Such a thing would ruin his standing. Who would believe him? He would become the delusional prince.”

            ”Yes, but you went ahead and fed off him, and he may not tell, but what of his brothers, will they figure it out? The fang marks are noticeable.”

            “Even if they suspected anything, they, too, will not say. Besides, I was famished. If you were hungry, you would do the same.”

            “That is only partially true.” After a long consideration, Velvet corrected his reply. “Alright, maybe true, but now what will happen?” Suddenly there was a knock on the door. “Lady Jane, Prince Collin needs to see you urgently.”

            “Very well, Sebastian, I will see him.” Jane answered, standing up. As soon as she walked out to the main hall, Collin ran to her and grabbed her shoulders. “Jane, the Queen, she is after you!”

            Jane stared at Collin with a confused look. Taking his hands off her shoulders, Jane questioned him. “What do you mean? Why is she after me?”

            “She is upset with you biting Lance. A spy will come and watch you. The spy has long blonde hair and distinct tattoos. She is after evidence of the murder.”

            “Murder is a crime punishable by death. It is not possible, all the evidence was destroyed.” confirmed Jane. ”What should do you suggest I do?”

            “Just act as usual, but watch her carefully. Avoid doing or saying anything that she can make evidence from.” stated Collin. “Well that is all. I have to go now, but be extremely careful.”

            “I know. Thank you, Collin, for warning me.”

            “I will always help you Jane, but this time it is Lance that allowed me to go. He deserves the thanks.” replied Collin regretfully. He opened the doors and walking out to the stables in the pouring rain.

            “Jane is everything alright?” asked Velvet, flying into the room as the servants closed the door. Jane remained silent. “What is this about a spy us?”

            “This spy has long blonde hair and tattoos on her arms. The Queen had sent her to convict me of the murder of the duchess.” whispered Jane, thinking to herself. “I did not expect the Queen to make such a direct move now.”

            “This is because she found out about the bite, am I correct? Jane, you are still so impulsive. Let us wait and have Sebastian warn us if anyone comes tonight. She may show up asking for employment here.” stated Velvet. “We must confront her. Maybe she will come as a maid.”

            “Agreed we shall wait in my studies.” nodded Jane, turning and began to walk down the torch-lit hall with Velvet following closely behind. The outside was dark from the storm with thunder clapping. The only light shone from the torches and lanterns in the hall. Jane continued down the hall until she reached the end where her butler, Sebastian, was lighting a lantern.

            “How can I help you, Milady?” asked the butler, dusting his sleeves.

            “Sebastian, I need you to tell me if anyone comes this evening and asks to be employed here. I am expecting a girl with long, blonde hair and tattoos.” replied Jane with a stern look. Velvet and I will be in my studies. Let her in, but keep her only in the main hall. Thank you, Sebastian.”

            “It will be done.” replied Sebastian, bowing as Jane walked away.

            As soon as Jane and Velvet reached the studies and closed the door behind them they sat opposite from each other. Velvet noticed the worried look on Jane’s face as she stared intently at the fireplace beside her.

“Jane, there is nothing to worry about. All the evidence was destroyed that night of the murder. She will not find anything.” said Velvet.

“What if I do deserve that death punishment? I did kill the duchess. The spy would be simply bringing me to justice.” whispered Jane.

            “No, Jane, you are bringing the Crosses to justice for what they did fifteen years ago. What you did was necessary. There was no alternative. Remember Jane that all these things are small things that will contribute to your main goal.  ”

            Jane simply nodded and laid her head back against the chair. “This was too much. All my plans will have to be delayed.” Jane frowned at that thought. “That Andorrean prince will just have to wait.”



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