Chapter 27

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The next day, Aralyn and Lance hurried out to the garden and met with Arsius and Arabella.  

"Alright, Aralyn, let us try once more." said Arsius.  

Aralyn held out her hand again at the birds. Once her fingers were outstretched, the chirping birds froze. Twirling her fingers, the birds danced. But, like the first attempt, Aralyn collapsed from the rapid drain of strength.  

The rest of the day flew by. Aralyn repeatedly tried to master her ability but she kept collapsing. Soon night fell and everyone had retreated inside. Lance walked out and placed a hand on Aralyn's shoulder. She was sitting on the grass in exhaustion. Lance sat on the bench beside her and pulled her up to him.  

"It is alright, Jane, we will defeat Collin without this second ability." said Lance and he kissed her cheek. 

"My name is Aralyn and I do not know for certain." replied Aralyn.  

Lance pulled away and looked at her. "You are right. Aralyn suits you better. I want you to stop this, Aralyn, you are hurting yourself. You have nothing to fear. I will be beside you. I will catch you if you fall." Lance pulled Aralyn into a kiss again, but Arabella interrupted.  

"I have a letter addressed to you, Aralyn. It is from Collin."  

Aralyn flew to her feet with Lance following. She took the letter and opened it.  

"Read it." said Lance.  

Aralyn nodded. "Dear Jane, I missed you these days. My life bares no meaning without your confusing personality to occupy it. Such a pity, you love Lance. All I can say is. If I cannot have you, neither can he. I know where you are. You cannot hide from me. I look forward to our perhaps, final meeting tomorrow. Love, Collin." Aralyn"s hand shook. Collin knew where she was.  

Lance took the paper from her. "Do not believe him. He is insane."  

Aralyn nodded her head. "We must stop him. Tomorrow, millions will die. We must stop this. I care less about my life and more about the welfare of others. I have learned that now." Aralyn turned to Lance. "Will you be there with me?"  

Lance nodded. "I will."  

Early the next day, Arabella brought Aralyn clothes similar to what she had worn when coming to Andorra. Lance wore a thin, steel breastplate on top of his clothes. The two of them mounted their horses. They were heading east. The battle grounds were not far away. The plan was for Lance to go to the Tuscian troops. There, he will command them to retreat. Aralyn would go after Collin. The two quickly rode off, armed with two swords and bows and arrows. 

Once they reached the battle grounds, they headed for a hill to overlook the battle. The two armies were already engaged. There were arrows raining on both sides and cannons being fired.  

"This is where we part." said Lance. He leaned over and kissed Aralyn on the lips.  

"Stay safe." whispered Aralyn. Lance nodded and headed down the hill.  

Lance knew where he needed to go. He needed to go to the upcoming flanks. He rode from behind the forest and emerged beside the flank. He immediately recognized his generals and rode to them. They were shocked to see him, but he was able to convince them to draw the troops back.  

Lance's next objective was to look for Aralyn. When he headed back, Lance spotted Collin riding a horse towards a church. He decided to follow. He watched as Collin dismounted the horse and entered the church. After a while, Lance did the same. He quietly entered the church. No one was there.  

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