Chapter 17

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Ch. 17

                  After the spy plummeted to her death, Collin quickly turned and ran back downstairs. After running to the stables, he mounted his horse and started towards the front gate. On the way, Velvet flew up next to him. "I'm coming with you." stated Velvet bluntly and seated himself on the horse's head. The two rode with ferocious speed down the dirt road towards the royal palace.

                 Meanwhile, Jane sat in a wooden chair in her stone cell in the dungeon. She had to get out. What if the spy had managed to find true evidence of the murder? There was no way out, there were guards posted at every door. She would just have to wait for Velvet to find Collin. Outside the bars, the guards were constantly talking and mocking her. "Well, well, Lady Jane, raised by the royal family and given everything this country has to offer, kills a duchess." laughed one of the guards with a large beard. "Just think. If she had married Prince Lance, just imagine what she would put the people through. She's better off dead."

              Jane grew agitated. If only these people knew the truth about the family ruling them. They do not realize the heir to the former ruling family was right there being mocked. Suddenly a familiar voice rang out from the hallway. "Be quiet." Immediately the guards stopped talking. "Your Highness." It must be Collin thought Jane, as she stood up and ran to the bars."


                 Suddenly a face appeared in front of her. Recognizing that it was not Collin, but Lance, made her blood boil. She began to withdraw back into her cell, but decided not to. It was a sign of weakness, something she could not have. Whatever he was going to say, she would have to take it to her face. Lance reached forward through the bars and grabbed her chin and lifted it so that their eyes met.

               Lance smirked. "Jane, my dear, what have you gotten yourself into? You did not have to put yourself in this position."

               Jane snarled and jerked her face out of his hand. "I did not kill her. I was framed by your mother!" This seemed to shock Lance. How did she know? Seeing that Lance was shocked she knew Lance had known. "You knew."

                  Lance grabbed the keys from the guards and unlocked the doors. He walked in and struck Jane's cheek, causing her to fall. "Don't you dare insult my mother. She kept you off the streets and raised you."

                Jane glared at Lance and cradled her stinging cheek. "She is the reason why I would be on the street in the first place. How can you possibly take her side? She killed my family!"

               Lance opened his mouth to reply, but decided to lose it. "Your trial will be this afternoon, in front of the Royal Council. Good luck, you will need it." Lance turned on his heels and locked the bars behind him as he walked out.

              Later that evening, the guards finally announced it was time for the trial. They bound Jane's hands together and led her down the dungeon hallway. The hallway was dark and lit by only a few torches. AS they walked, rats scurried across the stone floor. When they reached the doorway to the palace, Jane's eyes had to adjust to the brightness. The hallways were filled with all nobles from all over the land. As Jane was paraded down the hall, many whispered and snickered. Finally, the guards led Jane to the court room. There sat twelve council members. Eleven of them represented the eleven major provinces of Tuscania. The middle councilman was the King himself. It was very clear which of them would rule against Jane for they wore smiles on their faces. Those who pitied Jane just looked anxiously at one another. The guards led her down the aisle to stand in front of the council. Next, the crowd of people filed in and sat in the rows in the back of the room. Once the audience quieted down, the King stood up to state the accusation. "Today we are here to prosecute Lady Jane Castellans, Duchess of the Westlands. She has been accused of murder of the late Duchess Elise Monte." When the King finished and sat down, the audience began whispering amongst themselves, only to be silenced when one of the council members stood to interrogate Jane.

              "Lady Jane, do you deny killing the duchess?" asked the council member. He was tall and thin and his hair was white with age.

                    "I did not kill her." replied Jane, looking up.

                 "But we have evidence that you did." stated another member. "Lady Jane, describe the pages in your diary."

                   "That is irrelevant. I did not kill her. I was framed." shouted Jane angrily.

                      "Answer the question." demanded the councilman.

                      Jane hesitantly looked around the room. All eyes were on her. Everyone was anxious to get the answer. Suddenly her eyes caught on the Lance and Aaron's gaze. Aaron looked at her sadly and nodded his head, gesturing her to answer the question. When she looked at Lance, he just shook his head and looked away.

                    Looking back, Jane began to talk. "My journal is made of brown leather. Along the borders are gold flower designs. The pages are cream white with my initials on the bottom right corner. I believe it was given to me by Prince Lance." With that, there was bunch of whispers amongst the audience and Lance's eyes snapped back to Jane.

                  "Like this one?" The councilman lifted up a piece of paper. Jane's eyes widened as she saw the familiar page of her journal. "Do you not have anything to say Lady Jane? Is this not a page from your journal?"

                   "It is."

                There were gasps and whispers in the audience. The King stood and instantly silenced the audience. "The council of this court will now vote on the verdict. All in favor of the innocence of Lady Jane please rise." Four members stood. All in favor of the guilty verdict please stand." The rest of the council rose as the others sat down. The King nodded. "Lady Jane Castellans will be executed in two days. That is the final verdict decided upon by the council of this court."


Here's another chappie for ya! now excuse any errors, I haven't had time to edit. Now go VOTE and make me happy!

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