Chapter 12

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Ch. 12 

           Collin and Lance were walking down the stone corridor to their chambers. Collin looked up at his brother and stared at the bite marks. "Stop staring Collin." Lance said glaring at his brother. "Don't worry about what mother said. Aaron and I don't mind the work. Besides, Jane must be important to you since you keep going to see her." 

         "Look Lance, I do not have feelings for her. Mother was right. She will lead us to our end. She was just a really close friend since childhood." stated Collin flatly, stopping and looking Lance right in the eye.  

         The two continued in silence until they passed the Queen's chamber door to see a woman with long, blonde hair braided back dressed in black covered in tattoos walk in. "Who was that?" questioned Lance. 

          "There is only one way to find out." replied Collin, walking up to the door and leaned against it to listen in. 

          "Collin, we are not five anymore. You look ridiculous." 

           "Hold your tongue. Come on, listen." said Collin, pulling Lance to the door. 

            Both of them listened in. As the conversation started, they could easily pick out their mother's voice. The other voice was unfamiliar to them. 

          "Arianne, how have you been?" 

            "I have been well, Agnes. It is been a long time since we've last seen each other. How have you been, Agnes Gwyneth, the Black Scorpion?" 

           "Oh please, Arianne, do not flatter me with that old title. I have been well. There have been some assassination jobs here and there." 

            "Oh really, have you heard of the death of the Andorrean King? Was that your doing?" 

             "No it wasn't. Such a pity, I would've been paid handsomely for an assassination like that. Anyways, what job do you have for me?" 

            "Agnes, remember Lady Jane?" 

           "Of course, how could I forget the vampire? Well, you need her dead?" 

             "I apologize but sadly no. I need you to spy on her." 

             "Is that all?" 

                 "I need you to find evidence of her being the murderer of the Duchess Elise. I will give you twenty pieces of gold now and another twenty when you have completed your task. That is if you accomplish it. If not, then you will not be paid." 

                 "Do not worry Your Majesty, I'll get the job done. When do I start?" 

                  "Tonight, you will dress as a maid and infiltrate the castle." explained the Queen. "Here's your gold." 

                   "Thank you, I should get ready now." 

                     "Quickly, Lance and Collin stood up and quickly ran to Collin's room. How could Mother do this?" panted Collin, out of breath. " I have to warn her."  

                       "No, Collin stay out of this." Lance stated firmly. 

                        "How can you say that? Jane is going to be framed of murdering the Duchess Elise. It is a crime punishable by death." 

                        "Well, will it be framing or will it be the finding of proof she did kill the duchess?" answered Lance blocking the doorway from Collin. 

                  "Does it matter? Lance, she's going to be killed!" 

                  "If she did kill the duchess, she deserves to die." 

                  "Lance, look me in the eye and tell me you don't still love her and you want her to die. Then I will not go." 

                  After several long moments Lance looked away and stepped aside. After a thankful look, Collin took off through the palace and headed for the stables. There, he quickly saddled his brown Friesian horse as Kieran walked in. "Colin, what's wrong?" asked Kieran watching Colin pulling himself up and pulled on the reigns.  

             "It is Jane, Mother sent a spy to accuse her of murder. I have to go warn her." 

           Before Kieran could reply, Collin galloped off. From one of the balconies of the palace overlooking the front gates, Lance watched as his brother raced off to Jane's estate. "What if I made a mistake by letting him warn her? Would I be letting a killer get away?" 



SORRY ABOUT A SHORT CHAPTER, I'VE BEEN BUSY LATELY. Please waste 3 seconds of your life and please vote for my story. :)

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