Chapter 15

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            Ch. 15

            It had been a whole week since the spy had come to work at Jane’s estate. Each day, Jane watches as the spy immediately leaves her chambers as soon as she walks down the hallway.  They had not spoken to each other since the week before, and everything seemed calm, almost too calm. It had become a mind game, a game of chess, between the spy and Jane. The question now was who was going to make a move.  “What is she trying to do? Nothing has gone out of place since she arrived. What is she waiting for? The only place that may contain evidence is my laboratory. No, it is hidden well and no one knows of its location.” Jane said to herself. Jane walked into her bedroom and closed the door. She turned around and looked at the bat fluttering around her room. Her heart calmed a bit after seeing her companion.

            “That spy is a tricky one. Is it best that we confront her now?” asked Velvet, sitting on Jane’s bed." I believe if we are lucky, she will just leave after she can’t find anything.”

“Soon I will confront her. The sooner she’s away from here, the better. But we should be fine for now. My only concern is my laboratory. It has all my experiments, all my chemicals. She could easily claim that my blood capsules were the poison. We would not be able to prove against that because it is lethal to humans.” replied Jane, pacing back and forth.

                  “Agreed, Jane, I suggest tomorrow being the day you confront her. You must be careful though to make sure she does not report to the Queen. That will cause the most trouble.” nodded Velvet. "Be extremely cautious. I cannot express to you how important that will be." Jane sighed. How did her life get so complicated? Well, then again it was complicated since she was born. At least when she was younger, she did not know about the threats that lie just at her doorstep. She hardly could even remember her mother and father until she read the Queen’s journal. She only had little memories, but once she read it, it was all flooded back to her. Her memories of playing with her mother, sitting in her father’s lap, all came back to her as if they were locked away after the massacre. The journal was a key that unlocked those memories.

            The next day at the royal palace, the Queen sat in her study reading her books when a servant came in. “What is it Charles?” asked the Queen, looking up from her book. Noticing a white letter in the servant’s hand, she snatched the letter without waiting for a response. “It is a letter from the Black Scorpion, Your Majesty.” replied the servant, walking out and closing the door behind him. The Queen quickly opened the letter and read it. In it were a torn page of paper and a piece of stationary paper.

            I have not been able to find evidence that can be used to convict Lady Jane. She must have destroyed the evidences just as you have said. She’s a very sly one, but do not worry. My preys have never been able to evade me. What did you think I do to achieve such a notorious title? My dear friend, you can trust me to complete this mission without flaw. It has just simply turned out a little differently from what we had hoped. But have no fear for it has come down to the last method, framing her. Yes, but in this you must destroy this letter for this is the only proof that will be able to prove her innocence. This is the only the plan will work. Attached with this letter is a fake journal entry. I have written this to the very detailed of the murder. Use it to frame her.

                 Black Scorpion

Throwing the letter in the fireplace, the Queen smiled and summoned Collin. As soon as Collin entered, the Queen jumped out of her chair, and held the piece of stationary in front of her.

            “Mother, what is this?” asked Collin, taking the piece of torn paper. After looking at it, he’s face was in shock.” Where did you get this?”

            The Queen snatched the paper from her son, smiling. “That is of no concern to you. All I want you to do is take the guards, and arrest her. Do you job for once.”


    The Queen narrowed her eyes at her son. “How dare you? No matter, I’ll have Lance arrest her. Unlike a good for nothing son like you, Lance will do what is asked of him.” She then walked out of the room. As soon as the Queen left, Collin ran to her desk and searched through the piles of papers hoping to find anything that could prove that the journal was a fake. After an unsuccessful search, Collin stood back and calmed himself and told himself to think. At this point, his mind was full of worry and stress. What could he possibly do? Jane was going to be framed and there was nothing he could do. Slowly his eyes fell upon the fireplace. Of course, his mother would try to destroy the evidence. Collin ran over to find a scorched piece of paper. After reading it, he quickly darted out the room. He couldn’t waste any time. He had to get to Jane’s estate and fast. With Lance going to arrest her, who knows what could happen with his temper.



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