The New Me~ 2 souls, 5 to Go.

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Sans' P.O.V.

I teleported to my room quickly with Mettaton's Soul. I knelt down and felt guilty, but the Other me was telling me I was doing this for Frisk. I stood up and looked at the clock and my eye flamed purple.

I cleaned myself up and went to Hotland towards Alphys' lab.

I saw Alphys busy with something, I pulled out my knife and aimed at her, but then I missed that made Alphys Back away.

"S-Sans?! Wha-What are you doing?!"

She asked very frightened, I chuckled evilly and made my knife into a Scythe.

"DoInG wHaT's BeSt fOr FrIsK. . ."

I replied and swung the Scythe at her, but she dodged. She ran quickly upstairs slightly tripping. She then closed the metal door to another room, I banged on the metal door forcefully breaking it apart. I kicked the door down breathing heavily still holding the scythe on my hands. I slowly looked around for her in the room and luckily, I heard her whimpers under a desk. My eye flamed dark purple and pretended to search for her while whistling.

"Come out, come out, Dr. Alphys. . ."

I called out scratching the scythe on the floor. I can feel her resist to whimper loud by fear. I grinned and disappeared.











I swung the scythe through her body, I chuckled as her lifeless body fell on the ground leaving her soul floating in mid air.

I grabbed a hold of her soul and started to laugh evilly.

"You're dead to me. . ."

I walked out of her lab, but didn't leave it just laying there, I activated a bomb in her laboratory and walked out of he lab then, it exploded to pieces.

OMGGGG I am so sorry I haven't updated for a while ;-; forgive me. I wasn't able to use my phone so I'm editing my book covers using PC!^^ And just a note, I am not a good book cover maker using PC. I'm used to using phone and wattpad covers :3 How was my new covers using PC/photoscape?? Is it bad? Do I remake it again? Don't be shy to answer!^^ Anyhow, I hope you guys enjoyed! My other books will have updates too! And what do you guys think of me making a Sans x FemReader? I already made a book cover for it X3 Don't be shy to answer again.:)

Love you, my Candy Canes!

The New Me | Sequel of A Sucker for Pain | ✓Where stories live. Discover now