Alternate Ending?

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Heya, Kawaii Fam!

I am back from my long long off. Sorry for that hehe, anyway!
Based on the Title of the Chapter, I am planning to make an alternate ending of the book! Most fam are requesting that. So, if you guys want an alternate ending of this book, suggest an ending of it! And if I liked it, I will make the ending!

So, that's it and Echoes will be updated by... Maybe this upcoming weekend, here is actually Monday (Published). And the reason is I have a many tests to catch up this week so I've been more on to studying. But, maybe the pass weeks, I will focus more on my books! That's pretty much all for now.

Oh and Merry 2018! It's pass my 1 year anniversary Writing here in Wattpad! And I am so Glad you guys supported me through out the year! Oh and for the newbies of my Family, my 1 year anniversary was in October 10, 2017. Yay! I'm so happy to be with you all through 2016-2017! And I hope we all can still stick together as a family for even further more years!

Sayonara, my Kawaii Fam!

~Kawaii Queen

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