The New Me~ The Final Soul [EPILOGUE]

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Sans' P.O.V.

I teleported to Paps all bloody and holding the 6 monster souls, tears streaming down my face as I trembled down to the floor in front of Papyrus.


Papyrus asked, I grinned and looked up at him. I slowly stood up and walked towards him with a knife in my hand. He walked back while trying to snap me out. I stopped as he as against the wall, I smiled lightly.

"... I'm sorry bro..."

I rose up my hand as he covered himself, a flash came in my eyes.


I've waited long enough for this day...
I couldn't just kill my brother.

A tear fell down as I slashed the knife through Pap's soul. I knelt down and slowly looked up to see Frisk in front of me. I smiled in joy, but it vanished as I heard the words I could not think she will say.

"Are you alright, Sir?"

... She doesn't remember me...

I looked down and started laughing, I was tricked. I aimed the knife at my soul and slowly looked at her one last time.

"Put that knife down, Sir!"

I cupped her cheek making her confused.

"Heh.... It still the same you.... "

I stated as I rubbed her cheek.

".... Be careful, okay?"

I added as I aimed the knife near at my soul.

"Find someone deserving for you."

Then, I stabbed the knife through my soul, and I slowly turned to dust.


A tear fell down Frisk's cheek as she started to remember.

"..... Sans....."

The New Me | Sequel of A Sucker for Pain | ✓Where stories live. Discover now