Chapter 4: A Thunderbird Named Frank

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I crouch down beside the case. I can't believe this. I've literally and figuratively dreamed of this moment in my life. My brain, usually quick and alert, has become slow and sluggish just because of one brown leather case. My wildest dreams are in that case. 

Before my heart or my head (or my stomach) can argue with me, I open the lid. 

A set of wooden stairs cluttered with plants and boots and bowls and packages lead down into a small shed that is even more crammed than the room upstairs, if that is even fathomable or possible. There is also a much wider variety of... well, stuff  is the only genuine way to put it. Every sort of tool, plant, seed, pot, or herb imaginable seems to be here. It reminds me of Hagrid's hut, but 100 times messier, 100 percent more stuff, and 100 times more awesome. I smile, for no good reason other than the fact that I'm here

"Heidi? Is that you?" Someone says from outside. Newt. 

"Huh?" Is the most intelligent thing that my adrenaline-infused brain can come up with. 

The door opens, and Newt steps into the shed. I come the rest of the way down the steps, looking around the room the whole time, mouth agape. 

"I'm sorry, it's a bit messy and-" 

"I think it's absolutely mad. I'm speechless." I say, "It's... brilliant." 

"Well, thank you. Wait till you see outside." Newt chirps, approving of my explanation of the little shed. 

"There's more?!" I shriek, thinking that this is already a miracle. The stacks of just about everything are definitely defying the laws of physics. They must be magical. I wonder what spell was used. Perhaps- 

Heidi. Focus.

"Where else do you think I keep my creatures?" Newt asks, furrowing his brows slightly as the corners of his lips move skyward. 

"C-creatures?" I stammer, my head spinning. I feel faint. 

"Yes. I have enclosures for them outside."

I crumple to the floor and promptly pass out. 

^*^*^ (do you like my little mountains and stars?) 

My eyes fly open. In my fright, I sit up way to fast, banging my head on something or other. 

"Oh, I messed up. I knew I shouldn't have tried that. It's meant for people taller than you, I'm afraid. No offense or anything, I just... Oh, I messed up." Newt says. 

"I'm alright. I'm okay. I just got a bit startled, that's all." I say quietly, "What did you do, exactly?" 

"A spell I learned when I was in St. Mungo's after an unfortunate incident with a Welsh Green." He responds, "I thought it would work on you, but I suppose you're a little bit below average. Heightwise, I mean. Other than that, you're-" 

"It's alright. I know I'm really short." I say, sitting up on the floor, "I try to use it for my own advantage and gain." 

"That's good then, I suppose." Newt says, offering a hand to help me up. I take it gratefully, and he hauls me up. 

"Thanks." I say, getting to me feet once more. 

"Are you ready to see the creatures?" He asks tentatively. 

"Yes. Oh, Merlin, yes!" I exclaim happily. I have to restrain myself from leaping up and down. I'm about to jump off the walls. Newt smiles slightly, and opens the door, leading the way to my dreamland. What I see takes my breath away and replaces it with the happiest tears I've ever shed. 

The area has a dirt floor, and in front of me are many, many different climates with many, many different creatures. The bigger creatures have their own enclosures, although enclosures isn't really the right word, they're more like habitats, and the smaller ones have their own sections with smaller habitats. For example, there's a jungle section with creatures from the jungle. Each species has it's own ideal mini-habitat that it lives in, and the surrounding area is a more general type of habitat, but with no creatures. So if there is a garden sections (where one might find augureys or gnomes), the augureys would have their own area with their tear shaped nests. Augureys are birds who give very mournful cries, which wizards used to think that foretold death. This is would be silly, as there are so such things as omens of death (I've always hated divination), and we now know that their cries actually predict rain. I quite like augureys. 

"Heidi, are you alright?" Newt asks, "Do you need to sit down?" 

"What? Oh, no, I just got lost in thought for a moment." I reply, looking around, soaking all of my surroundings in like a sponge. 

"So, would you like to have a look around?" Newt asks. I smile like a madman fresh out of Azkaban. 

He shows me everything from Jarveys to Gnomes, from Hippogriffs to Hidebehinds. Is it possible to love beasts more than people, because I think I do. 

"This is the reason why I want to go to America. I bought this off the black market. He was all in chains, and I wanted to buy all of the creatures there. I even saw a girl with wings there, she was odd... Anyways, I need to return him to his homeland- the wild deserts of Arizona." Newt say wistfully. 

"A thunderbird?" I ask, surprised at the fact that he would have something as large as a thunderbird in here. 

"Yes." Newt says, almost seeming surprised that I know what he's talking about. He's obviously not used to meeting creature enthusiasts like me. Suddenly, he walks away, into the enclosure, "OOOAAAAHHHHHHH! OOOAAAAHHHHHHH!" He shouts. Most people would think this odd, but I recognize it as one of the most perfect thunderbird calls I've ever heard. I don't even have time to compliment Newt on his thunderbird-calling skills before I hear the beat of wings. 

A beautiful, golden, brown, and white thunderbird descends from the sky. My jaw goes slack. 

"His name is Frank." Newt startles me out of my stupor, "You can come pet him, if you like." 

"He's beautiful. The coloration- I mean, I'm almost certain that he didn't look like that when you bought him. You're more than just a magizoologist- you run a shelter!" I exclaim, smiling. I walk up towards Frank. I breathe an amazed sigh just looking at him. Newt keeps one hand on his beak, and I lightly touch the sparkling feathers on his neck. Frank moves his head away from Newt, expecting me. Most people my height would cower right now, but I like Frank in five minutes more than I like most people in five seconds. I smile at him, unable to control myself. His beak nudges my arm, as if he wants me to keep petting him. I giggle, and pet his face, scratching him right below his eye. He happily closes his eyes, making a small contented noise. I chance a look at Newt, and he is smiling at Frank. He notices me looking at him, and he gives me an encouraging nod. I sigh happily, petting Frank with both hands now. 

"This went much better than last time." Newt whispers in relief. 

"There was a last time?" I ask, freezing.

"A long time ago. Long story." Newt says. The words hover in the air between us for a while, then dissolve like sugar into tea. 

I smile once more, happiness filling me as I go back to petting Frank. 


A/N: So sorry for not updating in forever! I was on a very long trip! I'm back now, but I am very tired. Sorry for any mistakes!


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