Chapter 16

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Just as I look into Credence's eyes, shining with a cocktail of shame, pride, and fear, maybe.  A blackness clouds my vision. Immediately, I begin to scream, but no sound escapes my mouth. Silencing Charm. Blindfolding Jinx. My brain works overtime to figure out what has happened in a matter of second. I instinctively fumble for my wand only to find a hand sliding it out of my pocket silently. Hysterically attempting to snatch my wand out of this person's hand, my hand gropes in the darkness for the hand only to find air. I stumble as my hands are bound together with a spell behind my back. I don't dare move my feet lest I fall down the steps. I stay absolutely still, not daring to move. I've gone from being able to see and at least be assured that I have a wand and could use my TK at any moment to being completely disabled with a blindfold wrapped around my eyes and my wand stripped off of my person in about three seconds flat, and my brain is hurriedly trying to catch up. 

"Credence, who is this?" a low, gravelly voice, tinged eerily with curiosity and yearning, asks quietly. Graves. I stifle a gasp, not wanting to breathe the same air as this man. 

"She says her name is Heidi Ravenclaw," Credence says uncertainly, only now taking into consideration the fact that I could have used a fake name. Unfortunately, Graves would obviously know who I am from our quite disorienting meeting earlier today. He also knew to put a blindfold over my eyes, meaning he must have more information than I'd originally thought - or he's just playing it safe. 

"Do you think she is the one?" Graves asks, no longer bothering to speak at a lower tone, meaning that no one is out or has any chance of seeing me here. I have no way to communicate with Newt. I have no way to defend myself. I have no way to call for help. I have no way to run away without surely injuring myself, and they would catch me if I made a break for it. Graves and Credence have the upper hand here, "She is not a child." What does that have to do with anything? 

"No, but she has some sort of power. I don't know what it is called." My heart still breaks for the apologetic and somewhat fearful tone Credence uses. Graves seems to be a sort of father figure for Credence, but you can't trust a man like that. Graves is using Credence to find someone. Am I that someone? How would they know? 

"Telekinesis," Graves answers, "She has the ability to move objects with her mind." Credence inhales, awed. Credence must have given an appropriate response, because Graves continues, 
"Thank you, Credence. We are one step closer." 

One step closer to what?! 

I want to scream, and my mind begins to race. But, without an outlet for my thoughts, my emotions and fears and escape plans pile up in my head. A blazing head ache pounds against the side of my head. Without thinking, I try to reach my hand up to massage my temple, but, upon feeling the rope slithering around my wrists, quickly withdrawing my hand, not wanting to lose my balance.

But I'm too late. 

I'm falling through a rubber tube about a million sizes too small, wanting to scream, until I realize that I am alongside Apparating. With Graves. To an unknown location where it is unlikely I will ever be found. I stumble into reality once more. I would not  recommend Apparating while blindfolded. Strangely enough, the nausea I didn't realize I had when I was with Credence has mysteriously vanished. Credence could be an Obscurial, but that would make no sense. He has no magic to suppress, unless he was lying. But why would he lie? To be fair, his mother is head of an organization determined to vanish wizardkind. 

Graves hand rests surprisingly lightly on my shoulder, guiding towards something. I plant my feet in the ground, not going anywhere until I know where I'm going. Questions flood my mind, clambering for space and an answer

Where am I? Where are you taking me? Why do you want me? How much do you know? Have you captured anyone else? Why were you summoned with the Deathly Hallows? 

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