Thank you for 100 reads!!!

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OH. MY. GOD. Thank you so so so much for ONE HUNDRED READS!!! When my overactive brain decided to write one night, I figured that this would end up being one of those one or two chapter long unfinished stories sitting in my documents waiting for me to rediscover it so that I can cringe at myself later. Let's be honest, I'm cringing at those first few chapters anyway, but shitty rough drafts are supposed to be shitty, right? RIGHT? But for real, I had writer's block for this entire school year, and I could barely write a short story for class because I just kept waiting. I was just waiting for the urge to write to come back to me, but it never did until I started to do something about it. I knew that I had become way too attached to my phone, and I really needed to get some time away from it. I banned myself from Instagram for over 48 hours, and the VERY NEXT DAY, I actually wanted  to write again. I serious couldn't remember the last time I had wanted to write. I'm not saying that the solution to writer's block is throwing your phone away - everyone is different. But, if you feel like you're on you're phone too much, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!! I used the app Moment to track my screen time and took the "Bored and Brilliant" course to help me. Before, when I was waiting for my writer's block to go away, I never actually wrote  at all. This was, in retrospect, a horrible decision. Not only have my writing skills taken a nosedive, but it took me forever to realize that writing can't be a choice to me. I used to think that forcing myself to write would mean that my writing wouldn't be good, and I wasn't wrong, but I wasn't write either. I blamed it on everything - school, personal life, social life, extracurriculars, etc.. But the real reason it took me so long to get over my writer's block was that I never even tried to write. Now that I'm forcing myself to write at least 500 words everyday, I've opened up tons of creative floodgates. I kept giving up after the first few sentences didn't come easily, even though once I start, I get into a groove and finish with no problem. So, if you're reading this and you are suffering from writer's block, THIS IS YOUR SIGN! Stop reading right now (wow, never thought I'd say that)! Close all of your tabs! Open Word, Google Docs, grab a notebook, whatever! Start writing NOW! Don't try to make it good, because it will not be good right now. You can always edit your story. You can NOT always pick writing back up, if that makes any sense. Yes, you need to practice. And yes, right now, you are probably pretty bad at writing. BUT YOU WILL GET BETTER. KEEP WRITING. 

Wow. That was a rant. To get back to the point, if I had never tried to write again, I never would have gotten here. I am SO incredibly thankful for each and every one of you, even though you may be few and far between. You are a beautiful, wonderful, amazing person who took the time to read someone's weird fanfiction, and I cannot thank you enough! 

Next goal: 150! Twenty to go! 



P.S. - if you haven't noticed already, I've changed this damn title way too many times. Please give suggestions! ;) Love ya! 

Of Blessings and CursesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon