Chapter 9

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A/N: Disclaimer: all bits in bold are JKR/Warner Bros' words, not mine

After many more fainting episodes, and after many more failed attempts at moving random objects, I am finally able to successfully and consistently use my TK. As Newt and I laugh over some of the ridiculous things we've seen creatures do, everything seems like it is actually falling into place for once in my life. 

"There was this one time that I was searching around London for abandoned creatures," Newt says as I wipe a tear of laughter from my eye, "and I saw this Bowtruckle hanging from a windowsill. I only saw him from the back or else I would have fallen over laughing so hard. Anyways, I knew something wasn't right, and..." 

Suddenly, it feels like cotton is stuffed in my ears. Newt's voice dries like paint onto a canvas so that I can barely hear it now. In a movement so quick that I hardly notice it at all, a black wisp of something whizzes past my face, seemingly towards the case room. I blink, thinking that it was just something in my eye. 


I blink back into reality as the salt shaker falls over. Newt seems to have just finished the story, and I give a bout of forced laughter. My dinner turns in my stomach, and I think I might need to go to the bathroom, but the feeling subsides as quickly as it comes. 

I am about to say something to Newt, but he gets there first. 

"So, I've been planning a trip to New York City for a while now, and I've finally been able to find the opportunity to go. You know how I've kept telling you that I need to get to Arizona to return Frank to his natural habitat? Well, I figured that we should stop in New York first, since I've heard that there are lots of abandoned and abused creatures there. Hopefully, we can find at least some of them! So, what do you say, Heidi?" He says, excitement shining in his eyes that I know is mirrored in my own. I've never even thought of leaving here, let alone going across an ocean! 

"Merlin's polka dotted nightgown, yes!" I exclaim, leaning forward in my chair, the tipped salt shaker completely forgotten at this point. 

After a few more minutes of us staring at each other like we have been promised a million Galleons, I dash to my room to grab quills, ink, and parchment. If I don't write everything down, I'll forget it within the hour. I don't know how I got through Hogwarts. I still can't believe that my time at Hogwarts was over a year ago. Sometimes it feels like I just left, although I'm not sure I would go back. I don't know why, I just... don't want to. There's too much excitement right here! 

New York City, can you imagine?!


Ugh, why did I ever want to do this? At least we're almost there. 

"Merlin, Heidi, I never knew anyone could be this seasick," Newt says sympathetically.

"Neither... did... I..." I pant, leaning over the side of the boat once again to dry heave over the side of the boat. What the hell is wrong with me?  

Newt rubs light circles on my back, and I groan resting my sweaty head on the handrail, feeling drained and exhausted. I'm already dreading the voyage back, although we are still a few hours away from New York City. An hour or so later, after keeping a few sips of water down for a solid thirty minutes, I finally get some sleep. 

The next morning, I escape from the clutches of the ladies restroom to go out onto the deck, ready for my very first day in New York City. Is it truly as big as it seems? What are the people like? How do they talk? Do they even have the same spells as we do? What about the Muggles? Do they know about the wizards or is it a secret here too? While practicing my TK, Newt would usually research New York and the culture and the beasts that live there. I, however, was too busy blocking the world out or keeping myself from fainting to go too extensively into the New York culture. 

"Dougal, settle down now please," Newt says with a faint smile, "It won't be long." I sit down just as Newt begins to look over the horizon. I look too, eager to capture my first glimpses of New York City, and I am not disappointed. Buildings gleam like Knuts in the bright sunlight, boats put along the water, trailing signatures of steam and bubbles behind them, a stark contrast to the navy blue water. Thousands of windows decorate dull backgrounds of brick buildings.

We tear our eyes away, and Newt grabs the case, just as eager as I am to explore the city. With my mouth slightly ajar, I stumble down the ramp to dry ground. Not even my awe at the wonderful city sprawling in the sun around me could make me forget the relief of being on dry ground. 


Newt reaches for my wrist and tugs me out of my felicity and we are faced with a rather dull-faced man with an overly stiff collar and an overly tight tie. We simultaneously hand over our passports, and the man turns them sideways in a robotic manner, mouth still determinedly set in the same thing line just above a slight double chin accentuated by the aforementioned overly stiff collar and overly tight tie.

"British, huh." he says. Wow, congratulations! What a surprise! 

"Yes." Newt says, not being as quick to revert to the art of sarcasm. 

"First trip to New York?" the officer asks in the same monotone voice. At least this shows at least in inkling of intelligence.

"Yes." Newt replies. Oh no! The officer's robotic ways and dullness must be rubbing off on Newt! He must be saved!

"Anything edible in there?"

"No." Newt answers, and I suppress a chuckle at the mere thought of someone eating on of our creatures. 

"Livestock?" I inhale sharply at that question. I suppose this is what I get for the sin of sarcasm...


The latch on the case flips open. Oh, Merlin, this might be serious. 

"Must get that fixed," Newt mumbles, "Um, no," he says more clearly. I exhale silently.

"Let me take a look," he says, gesturing to the case with Newt's passport. Shit! Shit shit shit! 

Newt and I exchange glances at the speed of light, and the Newt hoists the case onto the table.

I allow the world to melt around me, focusing on the minuscule latch on the bottom of the keyhole. It lurches to the side, barely enough to make the case move a tiny bit to the left as a small tab labeled 'Muggle-worthy' pops up. The officer turns the case and, painstakingly slowly, flips up the latch. Newt turns his head slightly to look at me, and I give the smallest nod I have ever given, and I have given plenty of tiny nods in my lifetime, let me tell you. The man opens the lid, looks down, looks back up, and looks back down once more. Thankfully, instead of roaring creatures, the officer is greeted with only the ticking of a watch and Newt's Hufflepuff scarf. Very suspicious, indeed.

"Welcome to New York." He says. Merlin, at least smile or something when you say that! I already feel uneasy about coming here! Seasickness can explain some mild vomiting, but something had to be messing with me on that ship. Some sort of danger awaits us in New York. I attempted to say this to Newt in between heaves, but I don't believe I got my point across. It is hard to do anything else besides vomit while one is vomiting, you know. But, before I graduated from Hogwarts, I told myself that I would never become an average witch who sits at home thinking of settling down without having any sort of notion of adventure at all. 

"Thank you," Newt hastily grabs his passport before the officer changes his mind, and we plunge into New York City.

A/N: Real life, as always, intrudes. Sorry for the lack of updates.

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