Chapter 13

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A/N: Bold=not mine

"Are you okay? Did Graves hurt you?" Tina asks, walking into the room. 

"No, I'm fine, thank you," I say as Tina begins to turn away, "Wait!" She truns around once more, "I think I owe you an apology. I wasn't exactly friendly the first time we met," I look down, scratching at the back of my neck. 

"It's fine. Should we start over again?" Tina gives a half-smile, "Tina Goldstein," she holds out her hand. 

"Heidi Ravenclaw," I shake it, smiling politely back at Tina, then turning to the Muggle, "Jacob, right?" He nods shakily, sweat dripping down his face. 

"Murtlap bite," Newt says. 

"No flames out of the anus yet?" I ask, backing away from Jacob. The poor man whimpers slightly. He must be terrified. 

"Not yet, thankfully," Newt says, relieved. 

My eyes flicker to a woman who I assume is Tina's sister, Queenie. 

"I don't believe we've met?" I say to her, "Heidi." 

"Queenie," she says brightly, pink lips parting to reveal small white teeth, face framed by a cloud of curly golden hair. The only word to describe her appearance is beautiful. 

"Heidi, what did Graves say to you?" Newt asked, worry lines creasing his forehead. 

"Um..." I glance over to the other occupants of the room. Poor Jacob has had enough magic for the day, and Tina works at MACUSA. I don't know how they feel about telekinetics. Queenie gasps loudly. 

"You're telekinetic," she breathes in awe. 

Turning away from Newt, I draw my wand and immediately pin Queenie against a wall. 

"What did you say?" I whisper, suddenly thrown back to my encounter with Graves. I lurch back into the present. 

"Oh, I don't mind, sweetie! No one will know but us!" Queenie practically chirps. I take a few steps back. 

"How did you know?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at her. Legilimency? 

"Yes, exactly!" She exclaims proudly, bobbing her head, golden curls flouncing a little. 

"Is that what Graves questioned you about?" Tina asks, seemingly unfazed. I nod, a lump forming in the back of my throat.

"Heidi, I'm so sorry," Newt says, slumping slightly. 

"It's all right. I didn't admit anything. He can't use anything I've said against me in any way. Although, the ceiling did cave in as we were walking out. I assume he'll blame that on me," I look down, worried. 

"No. He would get in trouble with Picquery if she found out. No one is supposed to interrogate anyone outside MACUSA without permission," Tina consoles me in the best way she can after I threatened her just a few hours ago. I suppose some of the feelings still linger in both of us. Nevertheless, I breathe a sigh of relief. 

"Sorry, but could someone please explain to me what telly-kinetic-whatsit is?" Jacob asks, wiping the sweat from his brow. 

"It means I can move stuff with my mind. I'll show you," I say, focusing on a chair sitting innocently at the table. 

Block the world out. 

Focus on the chair. 

Out and up.

Out and up.

The chair slowly moves out of it's spot safely tucked under the table to out on the floor until it begins to levitate a few feet off the ground. 

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