Chapter 18

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Once again, I am clueless, helpless, and in the most excruciating pain I have ever been in, with colored spots and even some blurry faces dancing in the blackness shielding my eyes. I lift my head, stretching as best I can, feeling as though someone is watching me. Although, I've felt that way ever since Graves left. Maybe he never left at all. Maybe everything here is one confusing dream. How I wish it was. But this is not a story, and I must find a way out of my own problems. That is when I realize my mistake, and any ripped and thrown back together calm I mustered is now shattered once again. 

Because the man who has taken me captive is not Graves, he is the most powerful dark wizard of the century who could easily take my life or worse in a matter of seconds. If I could, I would sink to my knees. 

After a few minutes, a few seconds, or even a few hours, I steady myself, collecting those shattered fragments of calm to stitch a flimsy quilt, just thick enough to mask my complete and utter panic. 

"Miss Ravenclaw - " someone begins, interrupted by my loud scream. Sickeningly, Grindelwald chuckles amusedly at my alarm, and begins again, "Miss Ravenclaw, Madam Picquery has requested an interrogation and trial on your telekinesis and you and Mr. Scamander's true purpose in New York." 

Oddly enough, joy surges through my body. This, however dangerous, is my opportunity to speak to the President! If she believes me, I will be out of this situation before you can say 'Grindelwald'. If she believes me. 

The feeling as if I've been stung by a Billywig disappears, replaced with a heavy, hard bundle of all the possible ways my plan could go wrong, product of my own cynical brain. 

Suddenly remembering to answer, I mumble, "Fine." 

I can hear  Grindelwald's leer, "Splendid." 


"Heidi Ingmire Ravenclaw, the Magical Congress of the United States of America has requested your presence and cooperation in firstly, an official interrogation in order to gain intel on the hidden motives of your and Mr. Newton Artemis Fido Scamander's voyage from the United Kingdom to New York City, United States of America and you alleged powers of telekinesis. Secondly, and only if the interrogation proves to yield sufficient evidence against you and Mr. Scamander, you will attend an official trial conducted by Madam Seraphina Picquery... " the investigator rambles on, stating my rights and using phrasing that is difficult for even me to understand, although my ever-intensifying headache is not helping. Words stumbling off his tongue, voice quieting as he comes across particularly difficult phrases. Someone behind me snickers, "And, thus, the official interrogation of Heidi Ingmire Ravenclaw is in order," he pants, finally finishing. 

Silence suffocates the room like a Lethifold claiming it's most recent victim. 

I wince as someone scoots a metal chair out from underneath a metal table, to which my metal handcuffs are attached. There is a rustling and a slight tapping sound as they rest their elbows on the table. I do everything I can to keep from trembling with pain and fear, but have no hope of actually succeeding. 

The person across from me must notice because after a few moments, they say in a soft voice, "Ms. Ravenclaw, we don't want to hurt you. And we won't," he continues, "All you have to do is tell us the truth - all of the truth." 'Agony' doesn't even begin to describe the sensation behind my eyes, burning, twisting, shredding, pulsating, torturous. I doubt any pain they could put me in here could be half as bad. I shake even more intensely, beginning to wonder if I'm finally going to pass out. The interrogator must take it as a nod, and he introduces himself as Harold Elsner, "So, Ms. Ravenclaw, why did Scamander and yourself come to New York?" 

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