Chapter 17

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What do I even ask first? How much do you know? Where am I? Are you Grindelwald? No. Too upfront, he would never give me a straight answer. But, then again, will I get a straight answer with any question I ask? I have no way of knowing whether or not he is telling the truth without my vision to look for signs that he's lying. I need to start with something I know, just to see if he will tell the truth.

"Do you know why I'm in New York?" I ask, memories from earlier today shifting to the forefront of my mind. I told Graves that we were on our way to Arizona, just passing through New York. That damn Niffler.

"Yes," he responds simply. I should've seen that coming. My distress grows even more, escalating to a point that I did not know was even humanly possible. I take a breath, steadying myself in the darkness.

"Then, why am I here?" I say. I am not going to be outsmarted by this man. I am a descendant of Rowena Ravenclaw herself, probably the most intelligent witch in all of history. I can handle this, and the rolling nervousness and strained feeling in my chest ebb away. Slightly.

"You and Mr. Scamander are merely passing through on your way to Arizona, as you told me before," Graves replies, something like amusement in his voice, "I appreciate your intelligence Ms. Ravenclaw, I've – "

"You said you would give me answers, plural. I'm not finished, yet. How much do you know about me?" I interrupt, feeling almost scarily hungry for answers. I never knew that oblivion would take such a toll on me. The literal loss of sight is bad enough, but the mental blindness is worse. Everyone in my family is practically programmed to be wicked smart before they're even born, everyone in my house is willing to do almost anything to learn whatever they can. I'm no different, besides the fact that I'm telekinetic. Graves seems to repeat my thoughts back to me, paraphrased.

"You're telekinetic, a descendent of Rowena Ravenclaw, one of the founders of Hogwarts. I know that your power stems from your eyes. I know that using your power too much saps your mental strength," Graves answers promptly. I feel his eyes on me, and shiver slightly. How could he have known so much about me? Have I really let that much slip, or is Graves just that dedicated?

"Why would Credence call you upon meeting me?" I ask, deciding that if I can figure out why I'm here, I can try to find a way to talk my way out and discover if Graves has any ulterior motives that President Picquery might not approve of. Or any ulterior motives that correlate with Grindelwald's values.

"I'm glad you asked," Graves asks, genuine, while slightly stifled, excitement swells in his voice. Wonderful, "Heidi, I've been asked my Madam Picquery to speak with you. I'm sure that you're well aware of Grindelwald's attacks in Europe?" I'm sure that you're well aware as well.

"Of course," I say as my mind, once again, throws images of my family and friends and professors laying dead on the ground, more and more victims of anti-Muggle attacks. While I hope that my family is safe, being Pureblood, many of my friends and classmates are Muggleborns or Half-Bloods. I swallow the stinging lump in my throat.

"Here in America, we have experienced attacks from some sort of a beast. Tearing up entire city blocks, risking our exposure to Muggles. I'm sure you've come into contact with the N.S.P.S. and Credence's mother, Mary Lou Barebone. We're struggling to keep the disturbances contained or to even identify what is causing them," So this is a bigger issue than I'd originally thought, "With your knowledge of Magizoology, intelligence, and miraculous power, you could be exactly what we need to wipe out whatever is risking our exposure and defeat Grindelwald in one fell swoop." Graves chuckles in the most sinister way I've ever heard, and mutters something under his breath that I am almost glad that I have not heard. Before he has even finished, I have made up my mind.

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