Chapter 23

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Something like fire boils through my blood - hot, exciting, terrifying. Tina and I scamper out from behind the car, and the reality of our situation strikes me like a dragon's tail. 

We are going after the most powerful dark wizard of the century, and I'm armed with a wand and the power of telekinesis. 

Yet I continue.

Tina and I sprint behind a wall, crouching against the cool cement. I turn towards her, checking over my shoulder every once in a while. I can hear the Obscurus roaring and hissing just around the corner - Grindelwald isn't far. 

"One of us needs to attack from the front, the other from the back," I say, resisting the urge to whisper. Every now and then, a large bang rips through my ears - no need to whisper at this point. 

Tina nods, "I'll take him from the front. Are you well enough to use your powers?" 

I almost laugh, but in a situation like this it's fairly difficult to explain laughter, "I've never been better, trust me." We pause for a millisecond, both wondering the same unspeakable question. 

"Ready?" I ask, but Tina nods before I finish the first syllable. 

I poke my head out around the corner to see Grindelwald slowly, meticulously approaching the Obscurus, who is roaring and twisting, expanding and contracting. I feel my face twist into an expression of disgust. Grindelwald isn't merely approaching Credence - he's cornering him, and Credence is terrified. It's self-defense combined with rage and hatred, practically cyanide. He draws his wand, and Tina springs into action, directly engaging Grindelwald in a duel. 

I admire her bravery for a second, then sprint out from behind the building, running around, around, around. A particle made of blackness whizzes in front of my face. I instinctively swat it away, and it rejoins the Obscurus behind me. 

Suddenly, an overturned car next to me hurtles through the air. My eyes lock onto Grindelwald's outstretched hand - that was him, not me. 

As Tina dives out of the way, I scream, "Two can play at that game, Grindelwald!" The man turns towards me, eyes filling with disgust and hatred. Funnily enough, I'm fairly certain that my eyes mirror his. 

With no more than a quick glance to the left, an entire building collapses. 

Merlin, talk about magnified power. The more I let go, the more I gain. I begin to think that complete detachment is a good idea - let go of the constant turmoil between head and heart. Give full control to my mind. 

Credence whizzed away with the loud noise like an alley cat startled by an engine. I scramble over the rubble I created, frantically scanning for Tina. Or worse, a crushed body. Cursed, cursed, cursed.

I find her quickly, and she has already gotten to her feet, brushing the dust of her coat, replacing her wand into its pocket. Speaking of curses, blasts of light spiral into the night. 

Where's there's a police force, there's Newt. And most likely Credence as well. I stare at Tina, who watches the dark blob and colorful line streak across the skyline, speeding farther and farther away. 

As we are about to Disapparate, something shifts in the corner of my peripheral vision. 

"There!" I scream, pointing towards Grindelwald squeezing himself out from underneath the rocks, pushing them aside as if they were paper mache. A simple lightening charm, no doubt. 

Tina spins to face me, hair whipping around in the wind, coat slightly singed. Her jaw hardens into cement and a storm brews in her eyes. 

After a final glance into her eyes, I run away, towards Grindelwald. 

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