Chapter 12

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Tina grabs Newt's arm once again, pulling him out of the room. But Newt looks back at me. 

'I'll wait for you'  he mouths. 

'No, go find that case! I'll be fine!'  I say, tapping the skin around my eyes. I'm telekinetic, I can take this man if I need to. 

'Love you, Heidi' 

'Love you too, Newt'  (A/N - as I said before, THIS IS NOT A ROMANCE. friends can say 'I love you') 

Graves walks swiftly and silently down a hallway. Stone floor, supported by stone beams, with a stone ceiling. No gold or iron embellishments. A completely gray hallway. That seems to have led into an equally as gray room. The walls seem to me made of metal, held together by large screws. Or is that just for decorative purposes? If it is, MACUSA needs a new interior decorator. But, then again, this looks to be an interrogation room, not exactly built for comfort. More likely built for torture, or executions, or for prying into people's minds. If Graves happens to be a Legilimens, I'm finished.

"Do you know why you are here, Miss Ravenclaw?" He asks, looking down at the desk (also gray). 

"In New York? We're just passing through. We're heading to Arizona," I say, giving the complete truth, hoping I can get some time. For what, I don't even know. 

"We? I'm assuming you mean Mr. Scamander and yourself," he looks up from brushing the dust off the table. 

"Yes, sir," 

"But why would you tell me this? I already know of Mr. Scamander's... adventures, let's say," Graves says. Well, that leaves one possibility left - he must know that I am telekinetic. From there, I have a few options. One, try to overpower and kill him and risk exposure inside MACUSA. Also, living with the fact that I have murdered two people at the age of 19. Then again, the truth would die with him.

"Then why would you ask that question?" I snap, realizing that if I take too long to answer, Graves will immediately become suspicious. 

Graves inhales sharply, "I suppose I put too much faith in you, asking you such a vague question," he snarks right back in the most polite tone of voice I have ever heard. OK, option two, lie my way out of here. Play dumb for the entire time. That could end with Graves using the Cruciatus Curse, Legilimency, or forcing me to use TK in some other way. 

"Miss Ravenclaw, I know that you are telekinetic," 

Time to lie. 

"I'm what?" I say, knitting my eyebrows together. I deserve an award. 

"Don't do this," Graves says, massaging his temple, already frustrated. Bonus points, I guess, "Do you know that you are telekinetic?" He asks, quirking an eyebrow, "Have you suppressed it?" 

"I-is something wrong with me?" I drop the act, but Graves doesn't seem to notice. Does something happen to people who suppress their magic? Am I going to die?

"Maybe. Have you suppressed your powers, Miss Ravenclaw?" His voice is urgent, eager. 

"I didn't know I had any powers... besides just... you know... magic," I say, shuffling my feet. 

Graves's eyes rake over my body, scouring my every move for some sort of hint that I am playing dumb, that I am lying, any excuse for him to keep me here longer. 

"You are a powerful witch. If you let me help you, I could make you great. You would be honored throughout the Wizarding World. You could stop hanging around that freak show Scamander," Graves snorts, smirking slightly

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