Chapter 20

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We sprint between rows of columns, running for what truly is our lives. I don't even have time to take in the beautiful architecture around me, even in the darkest part of MACUSA.

Coming face to face with two people whom I assume are Aurors, we rapidly dodge behind a pillar as they fire three nonverbal spells our way. Hoping to gain at least one wand, I poke my head around the corner, narrowly missing a blasting curse, and plucking the wand of the Auror to the left straight out of his hand, while Newt deploys the Swooping Evil, knocking both of their feet. I am now able to steal the other's wand as well, and toss one to Tina and the other to Newt. At Newts skeptical look, I yell over the shrill alarms piercing the air like the Jobberknoll's dying lament, "I should be fine without it!" I grin slightly, mind and heart finally collaborating with one common goal - getting the hell out of here! 

With that, we break into yet another sprint, Newt suddenly halting to retrieve Swooping Evil, "Leave his brains! Come on!" he blows air through his teeth, "Come on!"

Suddenly, three more Aurors appear on our right, but before their spells can even get close, I knock both the beams of light and the men themselves away from us, onto their backs like turtles. 

"What is that thing?" Tina asks, some semblance of calm restored to her voice and a slight amount of composure regained, at least. 

"Swooping Evil," Newt responds quickly, checking the corridors to our right and left once more, the maze of pillars becoming increasingly more difficult to navigate.

Tina flat-out chuckles, "Well, I love it!" 

I decide to join in the speck of fun in the universe of chaos, "And not me?" I grin as Tina responds. 

"Of course!"

Jacob and Queenie, who is - thank Merlin!  - carrying Newt's case, appear around a corner. All five of us skid to a halt, breathing heavily. 

Queenie holds the case out in front of her, "Get in." Gladly.  

She sets the case down, lid automatically opening (or is that just me?), and Newt gets in first, the Tina, me, and Jacob.

Warmth floods through me as soon as I descend into the hut, knot in my chest and any lingering pain in my head dissipating. Every muscle holding what feels like years of tension melts into relaxation, and I feel the adrenaline completely vanish, mouth twisting into a wide smile as wonderful exhaustion sets in. I slowly walk out the door, Newt following quickly behind, scanning the area for one more check of the creatures missing. 

"Are you alright, Heidi?" Newt asks quietly, casually, as he forces a harness onto one of the Crups so it won't attack Jacob. 

I am about to respond affirmatively, but something stops me? Am I okay? I murmur, "I... I think so. I'm not physically hurt." Am I mentally damaged at this point? Will the prolonged suppression of my TK damage my mind in the long-term? To be fair, it sure as hell felt like it. 

"Okay," he responds, finally getting the harness on the third Crup. After a moment of awkward silence he repeats, pausing, "Are you sure you're alright?" 

"No, but I can figure this out, I think," I say gently, "This is something I have to figure out on my own." I look down at my hands, uncertain. 

"Okay," Newt's voice is quiet, and I can barely hear the indistinct chatter of Tina and Jacob over Frank's light rain, "Let me know if you need anything." I appreciate the gesture, however overused his phrasing is. Creatures connect the two of us, yet distance us from others. Ironic, really. 

I smile, chuckling amusedly, returning to the present situation, rolling up the sleeves of my sweater as I walk back to the shed, preparing for the unsavory process that is preparing a meal for the Nundu. Just as I begin to banish any longing for food from my starved stomach, Tina pops out from behind the door of the shed. 

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