Chapter 15

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"So, the Niffler, Erumpent, and Dougal escaped, and you saw Dougal, but not the Niffler or Erumpent, right?" Newt asks, fiddling with the latch on the case as we appear on a corner on a deserted street in the middle of the night. Safe. Jacob coughs slightly, still not used to the unpleasant experience that is Apparating and Disapparating. 

"Yes," I say hurriedly, looking around, "Do you want to go with Jacob to Central Park and I can look for Dougal near the bank, maybe?" I ask. If I last saw Dougal a few blocks away from the Goldstein's place, then he can't have gone too far in only an hour or so. The only slight problem is the fact that Dougal is a Demiguise, and can therefore turn invisible. He did  appear for me earlier, so statistically speaking, I have a better chance of at least finding him and making sure he is okay than Newt or Jacob. 

"Sure, we'll meet you back at Tina and Queenie's guest bedroom in an hour and a half." Newt draws his wand, rummaging through all of the pockets on the inside of his coat. He tosses me three apples, each coming from different pockets in his coat. I catch them, swiftly stowing them away in yet another pocket in my coat. I wiggle one of the loose buttons on my coat off and hand it to Newt, hoping that the Niffler will recognize the button he almost got away with stealing. It's been hanging on by a thread for the past few weeks. 

"Good luck with the Niffler!" I say over my shoulder, trying to lighten Newt's mood at least a miniscule amount. Newt exhales through his nose that could be counted as a laugh or a sigh. I'm going to count it as a laugh. I face forward, picture the steps outside of the bank, and spin on my heel, Disapparating away. 

I trip over something, and fall face first down the steps and onto the pavement. I hear a man scream. 

Oh no. 

I just broke the International Statute of Secrecy for the second time today. 

I whirl around, eyes widening. 

"I'm... I'm so sorry!" I fight to regain my composure, taking my time fake-dusting myself off as the man still screams. I take a few breaths, "I was walking down the steps and didn't see you. I work at the bank and came out late since - " I am spared the process of thinking of an excuse to be just getting off work by the man - or, boy, rather. 

"You're a witch?" he asks quietly, screaming stopping suddenly. Suddenly, I recognize him. The boy from the Second Salemers woman's speech, who was handing out leaflets about the dangers of Wizardkind. I feel the urge to vomit once again, stomach still turning after my encounter with the Obscurial and my fear at being burned at the stake or something horrific. Even though I could most likely escape, it still chills to me to the bone. I shudder slightly, beating back the thought that this boy could be something for than just a scrawny kid. 

"No." I say, hoping that my face is blank. 

"You are," he says, "I can see the nervousness on your face." Damn. 

I back away from him, whipping my wand out. He eyes it in awe, standing up quickly. I take a few more steps back, stepping down into the street. 

"It's okay. I know about you. I know a few, even though I'm not magical." There is something that almost sounds like doubt in his voice. Is he an Obscurial? Is that why he knows wizards? Is that why he doesn't seem sure about his magical abilities. Is that why I've felt the urge to vomit every time I look him in the eye?

No. No, my mind is racing. I have too many questions and not enough answers. 

"Okay. So you'll keep your mouth - " I cut myself off after seeing the stark red cuts dripping blood down the poor boy's arm, "Oh, Merlin," I breath. He immediately withdraws his hand into his sleeve. I grab his hand as the sleeve of his arm is pushed back by my shocked and slightly horrified mind. He looks up sharply. I'm hoping he assumed I just used magic. 

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