Chapter 25

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For a split second, I forget that I'm holding the case. But once the millisecond of hesitation and oblivion is over, I step forward. After gently placing the case on the dusty ground, I flick the latches open with as much practiced ease as someone who had done it a million times. My inner fangirl is lying in a puddle of her own tears of joy as I open the case.

Drawing my wand and creating a small bolt of lightning from the tip, summoning Frank, I smile. I am friends with a Thunderbird, I know our case like the back of my hand, and I'm living the best life I ever could have imagined. Because no matter the risks and no matter how much pain I feel, this  is worth every single tumultuous moment and more. 

Frank's mystic, shrill call sounds faraway enough, but I should step away - with three sets of wings, Frank will get here soon. Stepping back to Newt's side, we wait, speculative glances burning holes in the backs of our already-singed coats. 

And, in a rush of golden yellow lightning and sparks, Frank explodes out of the case like a burst of thunder. As he unfurls his wings and squeals with excitement, the crowd behind us steps back, either horrified, awe-struck, or a combination of the two. Frank looks around, seems to realize that he certainly is not in sunny Arizona, wings continuing to beat powerfully, shooting gusts of winds into our faces. Frank touches down, somewhat awkward in the subway station that now seems ten times smaller and ten times less grand. 

Newt must have picked up on Franks slight confusion, and while Frank looks around at the destruction and people surrounding him, Newt says, "I was intending to wait until we got to Arizona," Newt sighs, obviously wary of letting Frank go, "But it seems like now, you're our only hope, Frank." 

The Thunderbird tilts his head slightly, glancing towards me, seeming to say, "Are you kidding me?" But Frank, ever noble and benevolent, bows his head slightly, "I'll do it for you." He squawks quietly as Newt raises his hand to stroke his beak and jaw. As Frank purrs slightly, tears well in my eyes, and I see my expression mirrored the slightest bit in Newt.

Frank must see the tears in our eyes too, because he squawks many times, and I like to think that he is attempting to reassure his humans. I try to suppress a smile, unsuccessfully, as I reach up to scratch the feathers behind Frank's plumed head. Frank begins to hum and purr again, and Newt mutters, "We'll miss you, too." He cradles Frank's head gently, and I press the smallest kiss ever to his neck. He soon shakes us off - I have a job to do, I assume.  Stretching his neck and surveying the area once again, Newt plucks a small vial of glowing, sky blue liquid out of his pocket. 

I realize what is it as Frank readies his shimmering wings. It's Swooping Evil venom, which is used to erase harmful memories - i.e. the memories of this event now stored in the brains of every Muggle in New York. Franks stunning, golden eyes focus on the vial, so miniscule compared to himself. Newt, holding the vial up, says, "You know what you've got to do." 

Determination hardens in Franks eyes as he comprehends Newt's message. After a few seconds in which Newt and I take in Frank's dignity and majestic figure, Newt hurls the vial into the air. Frank catches it with a clink!  A similar sound to that of a salt shaker falling over, then being righted again. He flies away, wings flapping to carry him into the sky, plumed tail vanishing from my sight for the last time. 

I step into the sunlight, screams and exclamations of Muggles above us being the only sound. After a tense moment, the wind picks up and thunder rumbles high in the sky. I smile. Just as quickly as the night had turned into day, rain begins to fall, tainted with the sugary smell of Swooping Evil venom. 

"Aurors, begin the cleanup protocol," the respect-demanding voice of Picquery interrupts the palpable wonder in the air. As most everyone except for me, Newt, Tina, Jacob, Queenie, a handful of Aurors, and Picquery herself exits the room to cleanup the mess, I glance to the rubble in front of me, wondering how on earth I'll be able to repair the gaping hole in the ceiling (at that point, the brain fog was simply too strong for me to remember that I owned a wand capable of casting Reparo ). 

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