Chapter 26

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He was back. I stood, having been stopped in my tracks, at the monster of a man before me. I thought that MACUSA would have been able to hold on to Grindelwald before he slipped away like smoke from a fire. 

Without any words, a bolt of green light burst from his wand. 

And there was nothing I could do. 


I gasp, eyes flying open, stinging when the light hits them. I squint my eyes, and most of the pain, mercifully, goes away. The residue of my nightmare does not, however. For some reason, the pain in on the left side of my head has worsened overnight. 

Groggily peering around the room that I recognize to be the Goldstein's apartment, I see Tina, Queenie, and Newt huddled together at the small kitchen table, comforting Queenie. She's been crying. 

The floor creaks as I get to my feet, soreness shooting through my body, headache roaring angrily. Newt looks over, then slowly scoots the last chair out from underneath the table with his foot. Everyone looks just as tired as I feel. 

Still confused and shaken from my nightmare, I begin to piece together what has happened. And what still needs to happen. 

The past - Grindelwald's metaphorical game piece is off of the board, tucked away in the depths of MACUSA. I can't expect that to last long, but for now, my friends and I are safe. Credence is gone. 

I squeeze my eyes shut. Don't think about that.  

I must have a concussion. The dull pain and confusion have settled over my head like clouds, ever-present. I must be more than tired. And as for the future, Newt and I need to get out of New York before things get any worse, or MACUSA comes to forcefully remove us. 

But right now, Queenie is upset, and she deserves help. Tina's hand is on her trembling shoulder. Newt slowly gets to his feet, moving as calmly and unobtrusively as he would approaching a Porlock, making his was towards the small stove where a pot of tea had been brewing. He hands one to Queenie, then me and Tina, keeping one for himself.

No one says anything for what feels like hours. For all I know, it could have been. 

Queenie has stopped crying, and takes a steadying breath. Finally, the silence settles and becomes comfortable; however, I can still feel waves of heartbreak radiating off of Queenie like steam rising out of a mug of tea. I suppose that Newt or I could tell her that there's a chance that Jacob might remember her. But would it get her hopes up? Would she want to know? If I was her... 

I don't know what I would want, because I've never known heartbreak. I do not have the capacity to understand Queenie's emotions. But that's okay, because I know someone who does understand - and he's sitting right Newt to me. 

I nudge Newt, and once he looks at me, I mouth, "Should we tell her? About Jacob possibly remembering?" 

"Maybe," he responds, and thinks for a moment, eyes flicking from Tina to Queenie and back. Finally, he nods.

Out loud, he says softly, "Queenie?" She looks up, then her eyes widen. But instead of saying what I'm sure she already knows from reading Newt's mind, she lets Newt continue, "After Frank had gone into the sky, we realized that Swooping Evil venom only erases harmful memories..." 

"There's a chance Jacob remembers me, or will!" Queenie whispers excitedly, light returning to her eyes, face looking young again, shoulders no longer hunched. 

"Yes, there's no guaran - " Newt is cut off by an now animated Queenie swiftly standing up, and wrapping Newt in a full-on embrace. Once both of them sit back down, Newt looking rather flustered, Queenie glances my way. 

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