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*Gracie has logged on*

*Eren Jaeger has logged on*

*Mikasa Ackerman has logged on*

*Armin Arlert has logged on*

*Corporal Levi has logged on*

*Hanji Zoë has logged on*

Gracie: HELP!

Eren: What's wrong?

Armin: Are you hurt?

Levi: Spit it out Gracie.

Gracie: ITS 91° OUTSIDE. And all I have, to keep me cool, is a DAMN FAN!

Hanji: Ouch! Why don't you have ac?

Mikasa: Yea, it's perfectly fine in the rest of our dorms.

Gracie: Well, would you like to explain Levi?

Levi: Shut up.

Armin: What happened....?

Gracie: You said you were coming over to borrow some tea bags. YOU STOLE ME AC REMOTE.

Levi: Hey, I needed it. Erwin took mine away when I insulted his eyebrows.

Eren: That's harsh, you don't just steal someone's ac remote.

Hanji: Oooo, someone's in trouble!

Armin: You say that to him too much Hanji.

Hanji: It's not my fault he's a bossy short stack of sour pancakes.

Mikasa: True.

Levi: Well, I'm not giving it back, what do you want instead?

Gracie: Let me think.... what do you guys think.

Eren: 😏

Gracie: OMG EREN. I'm so gonna kick you off this chat when I get the chance.

Armin: Wait, what was Eren trying to say?

Hanji: Omg, Armin your too innocent for this world. Stay that way. We need one appropriate child here.

Levi: I'm gonna pretend nothing happened.

Mikasa: What about full commands on the wings app?

Gracie: Well, I could ask for that, but I want something I can keep forever. You have to put I password in every time you want to use commands and I'm EXTREMELY lazy.

Armin: I know! Get the password for the pool!


Gracie: Amazing! Yes! Levi, I request the pool password!

Levi: Fine, but you can't tell the others.

Gracie: Can I let them inside? Like without giving them the password.

Levi: Sure, go to PM.

*Gracie has created a private message board with Corporal Levi*

Levi: The password is "LeviIsCool"

Gracie: you've got to be kidding right?

Levi: Nope.

Gracie: 😒

*Back to group chat*

Gracie: Got the password! Heading to the pool!

Armin: Yay! Trade is cool!

Eren: Not as cool as— I'm not gonna finished that sentence.

Mikasa: You really need to be taught how to clean your mind.

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