Try to Translate Chat

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*Gracie has logged on*

*Corporal Levi has logged on*

*Hanji Zoë has logged on*

*Eren Jaeger has logged on*

*Mikasa Ackerman has logged on*

*Armin Arlert has logged on*

*Jean Kirstein has logged on*

*Sasha Blouse has logged on*

Eren: Alright, so what are we playing?

Levi: You didn't translate the clue?

Eren: Eh, to lazy.

Gracie: We are playing the "try to translate game!"

Mikasa: How exactly do we play..?

Gracie: I'm gonna say a phrase in a different language, you have to translate it and tell me the language it was in. Okay? (I'm using google translate cause I don't actually speak any other language)

Armin: Okay! Let's start!

Gracie: Vous êtes tous très étranges.

Levi: You're all very strange ~ French.

Jean: Damn it! I knew that one!

Eren: Ohh. I was gonna guess something like 'I hate you'

Gracie: Next phrase! Jean è un volto di cavallo.

Sasha: GOT THIS! Jean is a horse face ~ Italian!

Eren: Sounds accurate.

Jean: You all suck...

Gracie: Next! It's gonna get harder from here!
Wir müssen die Titanen töten, um die Menschen zu retten


Sasha: That was quick.

Jean: You're crazy Jaeger...

Gracie: Watashi wa anata ga issho ni atsume tayori mo suzushī yo.

Mikasa: I'm cooler than you all put together. ~ Japanese.

Eren: I'm way cooler then all of you though.

Hanji: No I am!

Jean: Oh please! No one is as cool as me!

Levi: I'm the coolest. And that's an order.

Gracie: Tá mé an scríbhneoir mar sin tá mé an coolest. stad ag argóint.

Sasha: No clue.

Hanji: Um. I don't know honestly.

Gracie: I'm the writer so I'm the coolest. Stop arguing. ~ Irish.

Mikasa: Oh.

Jean: Fine then, move on!

Gracie: Sheesh.
Me gustaría robar todos los suministros de limpieza de Levi.

Hanji: I would like to steal all of Levi's cleaning supplies! ~ Spanish.

Levi: If any of you dare try and steal my windex, you shall personally die in the hands of Hanji's experiments.

Jean: I didn't even know Hanji could speak Spanish.

Hanji: We all should be able too. You learn some stuff the first week of training...

Eren: Dumbass.

Jean: Freak..

Gracie: Et super hoc ludum! Gratias ludere!

Armin: And the game is over! Thanks for playing! ~ Latin.

Eren: Yay! Who won?!

Gracie: Everyone except Jean won! He didn't get a single point!

Jean: Well. This game was shit.

Mikasa: Don't be salty. It was fun. You just suck at this.

Sasha: Even I was better then you!


Gracie: Well, tomorrow we will open up the chat for our dead friends! Just to catch up and junk.

Eren: Sounds good! I can apologize for the many I killed in Titan form!

Levi: Alright then....

Armin: Yay! Dead friends are some of the best kinda friends! In a non-creepy way.

Hanji: YAY! BYE!

*Hanji Zoë has logged off*

*Corporal Levi has logged off*

*Gracie has logged off*

*Jean Kirstein has logged off*

*Mikasa Ackerman has logged off*

*Armin Arlert has logged off*

*Eren Jaeger has logged off*

*Sasha Blouse has logged off*


*Gracie has logged on*

*Corporal Levi has logged on*

Gracie: Merci d'avoir lu. Veuillez nous suggérer des choses à faire. J'espère que vous avez un excellent jour / nuit! Au Revoir!

Levi: Ugh she said "Thanks for reading. Please suggest things for us to do. Hope you have a great day / night! Goodbye!" In French.

Gracie: Thanks Levi!

Levi: Tch. Bye brats.

*Gracie has logged off*

*Corporal Levi has logged off*

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