IRL Ships Chat!

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(3rd perspective thingy. *Face palm*)

Hanji grinned as she made her way towards Gracie's room. It was early in the morning and everyone was supposed to leave the castle any time soon.

"Hello!" Hanji said barging into the tiny room. Gracie screamed and fell backwards off her chair.

"Hanji, what the literal hell?!" She yelled, her head poking over the top of the desk. "Can I have writer permissions! Just for the rest of the day! Pretty please!" Hanji pleaded, walking over to look at her fallen friend. And Gracie, being too tired to argue shrugged and handed Hanji the phone she uses to write.

Hanji squealed and ran out of the room."Hanji, close the door—!" The door suddenly slammed and Gracie screamed once again.

Confusing time merge thingy brought to you by Eren's anger issues ~

Hanji raced out of the room quickly typing "slam Gracie's door." She smiled as she heard a loud bang and a scream as she sprinted down the hallway. She also typed down "lock Gracie's door." Just in case she came to investigate.

Hanji smirked as she walked into the busy main area. Lots of cadets were getting ready to leave. Buts she had some plans. She checked the watch on her wrist. About an hour before we leave.

She grabbed the phone and typed "everyone from the group chat walks here to meet Hanji." She smiled and waited where she was.

Meanwhile.... ;)

Corporal Levi was discussing the formation positions with some squad leaders and commander Erwin when he suddenly found himself walking out of the room. "God damn it!" He shouted.

Eren was talking to some of his squad members when he was suddenly yanked away. "Uh! Sorry, late for– something bye!" He shouted and waved to them, his legs moving him towards something.

Mikasa knew something was up. Hanji hadn't said one word to her all morning. Then it happened. Her legs were being forcefully dragged in the direction of the main hall. That crazy lady is doing something.

Armin had heard banging from down the hallway. He quietly walked over and noticed it was coming from inside Gracie's room."Hey, you alright?" He called. There was a big bang and he grabbed the handle only to find it locked."Hanji's got the writers permissions! Damn it, I knew I shouldn't of gave them to her! BE CAREFUL ARMIN!" He heard her shout from inside. That's when Armin felt his legs being dragged a certain direction.

Jean was outside the castle feeding his squads horses. They neighed and nuzzles there mouths into his hand. He smiled. Why does everyone call me horseface? I don't look anything like a horse. Jean suddenly dropped the bucket of oats and felt himself being dragged back towards the castle. The horses snorted and all ran over to eat the spilled food."Shit!" He yelled.

Krista and Ymir were holding bowls and waiting in line to grab some food. "So, I wonder what happened last night after we left the chat." Krista asked Ymir. She just shrugged and they moved ahead in line. Suddenly, the both dropped their bowls causing a loud crash. They then started walking away and towards the main hall."Hey you two! Stop!" Shouted one of the section commanders who watched the whole thing."Sorry! We can't!" Krista smiled turning her head to face him. The man stopped in his tracks and drooled a bit. Ymir gave him an angry look and they both continued walking.

Back to Shitty Glasses! ~

Hanji grinned as she saw all seven of her culprits walking towards her. She jumped for joy just imagining what might happen in the 55 minutes they had left before the had to leave, or until Gracie broke down that door.

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