IRL Drink Chat ;)

180 3 14

(Corporel Levi's Perspective )

I sat at my desk flipping through some of the expedition papers. Yesterday's trip to the city was an absolute disaster. Today was so far, a peaceful day. Had tea with some squad leaders, did some paperwork. Yep. Peaceful.

I stood up and grabbed a feather duster, beginning to dust off the externally small specks of dust that could not be seen by the naked eye.

"C-corporal! Heyyy!" I turned to see the blonde Cadet walk into the office, stumbling I bit. I gave him an odd look. "Don't you know to knock before entering Arlert— wait, are you drunk?!" I asked as he stumbled over towards me.

"Uh, I don't know. Am I? Hanji made us all try a new juice for something. That's why I'm here! To get you? I don't know, bye!" Armin waved before stumbling back out of the room. I growled and placed the feather duster back where it belongs.

"Shit four eyes!" I snarled before walking quickly out of the room and over towards where the noise was coming from. I entered the dining room to find almost all the cadets and supervisors drunk or drinking. I speedily pushed through the crowd looking for Hanji. I saw her stupid glasses and walked toward where she was sitting. Beside her was a drunk looking Eren and a worried looking Jean who was pulling the strange looking drunk to his lips.

"Stop right there." I said, standing directly behind Jean. He froze and slowly turned around. "Ah! Corporal! I swear, I wasn't gonna drink it! Hanji made me!" He said, his eyes widened in fear. I shook my head and knocked the cup over, he strange substance spilling all over the table and floor. I cringed a bit, but swear I would come back and clean it up later.

"Hey! Levi!" I felt a hand on my shoulder and I spun around, knocking it off. Eren has gotten up from his seat to stand directly behind me. A little too close for comfort.

"Eren, what do you want?" I questioned, giving the obviously drunk teenager a weird look. He smirked and leaned in closer to my face. I immediately put my hand to his lips and he opened his eyes and gave me a sad look.

"Hey! B-but, our kisss the lastt time was beautifullll." He sighed trying to push my hand away. I grabbed it and flipped him over my shoulder, him landing roughly on the table behind me.

"Go to bed Jaeger." I growled. He did a double thumbs up and passed out. I rolled my eyes and went searching for any other problems. That's when I saw a flashing light coming from the very back corner of the room. I pushed through the crowd as I made my way towards the strange light. When I got there, I heard tiny voices coming from the area. I looked down and saw Gracie sitting in the corner, intensely watching something on her phone.

''Nice to see you, my lady.""Your such a flirt Chat. Come on, we have to leave before we change back.""Ah, she'll fall for me someday." Was all I heard before the girl went into a screaming fit.

"OH COME ON! HE'S TRYING TO CONFESS!" She screamed at the small device before snaking her head on it multiple times. I quickly grabbed the phone out of her hands. She slowly turned to look up at me. "Oh, you seriously just did that." She laughed before dangerously lunging at my neck. I sighed and stepped aside, causing her to fall measly onto the floor. I threw the phone back at her. She cried for joy and leaped at it, catching it and retreating back to her corner. I again, gave her an odd look and walked away.

(Gracie here, if anyone gets the show I'm referring too up there^ , I will seriously be your best friend. )

I found some more idiots dancing on top of tables. Of corse it was Sasha and Connie. I angrily jumped onto the table and shoved them both off.

"Oi, brats. Everyone get to your rooms. Unless you'd like me to contact the commander." I shouted at all the nearby cadets. Almost all of them nodded and left besides the 6 dumbest out of all of them.

Hanji, Gracie, Eren, Mikasa, Armin and Jean. Hanji, still trying to get Jean to drink something. Gracie, still watching the strange show in the corner, Eren, passed out onto the table. Mikasa and Armin, having a stumbling race across the room. I face palmed and jumped off the table.

"Alright brats, everyone follow me." I ordered loudly. I knew Hanji and Gracie weren't drunk, unless they were good at hiding it, but they decided to stay, so they had to come along. Eren also woke up and Hanji grabbed him to drag him along. Everyone surprisingly listened and followed me back towards my office. They all walked in, Eren trying to kiss me again, Gracie shouting at her phone, Hanji handing me the drink she was trying to get Jean to Drink, and everyone else stumbling along.

I quickly closed the door locking everyone inside. Not sure if this was the best idea, but it would work for the night. I sighed and took a sip of the drink. It wasn't too bad. I continued to take small sips as I walked over to a spare room.


*Gracie has logged on*

Gracie: I'm gonna make this quick! Try to answer the question up there ^^^! And have a nice day! Back to binge watching shows on Netflix! Bye! ~

*Gracie has logged off*

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