Old Friends Chat! <3

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*Gracie has logged on*

*Eren Jaeger has logged on*

*Mikasa Ackerman has logged on*

*Armin Arlert has logged on*

*Jean Kirstein has logged on*

*Sasha Blouse has logged on*

Corporal Levi has logged on*

*Hanji Zoë has logged on*

Gracie: Alright then! Some of our old (dead) friends are gonna join one by one!

Eren: I'm so excited! I haven't seen the dead people in forever!

Mikasa: Most likely because their 'dead'

Levi: Oh come on. Just get this over with already.

Gracie: Here's the first one! I don't have lots of people coming today, cause I can't honestly remember ALL THE PEOPLE WHO DIED. 😭

*Carla Jaeger has logged on*

Eren: Um, mom?!?

Carla: Hi honey! How are you?

Eren: Uh. Good. Just, y'know, the last hope for humanity that's all.

Mikasa: Hi Mrs. Jaeger.

Carla: Hi Mikasa! Eren's doing ok right? He brushes his teeth twice a day?!

Eren: MOM.

Mikasa: Yes he is.

Gracie: Here comes our next guest!

*Marco Bott has logged on*

Jean: Marco?!

Marco: Hey Jean! I've missed you!

Armin: Marco! I'm so sorry we weren't there when, well you know.

Marco: Nah, its fine! You were kinda busy with Eren's super powers, I would of done the exact same!

Jean: You are literally freckled Jesus.

Marco: Thanks! I take that as a compliment? Right?

Mikasa: Yes, you should.

Gracie: Hey Levi.

Levi: What...

Gracie: Look who's joining now.

*Furlan Church has logged on*

*Isabel Magnolia has logged on*

Isabel: Hey big brother! How's it going?!

Furlan: Hey Levi.

Levi: It's corporal Levi for your information.

Isabel: Oh yea! Of corse you made it up to the top ranks, your Levi after all!

Hanji: Oh hey! I remember you two!

Isabel: Wait, that's the scary lady who tried to feed me candy right?

Levi: Yep. That's her.

Furlan: Sheesh, wasn't there a point in time when we thought she knew what we were up too.

Hanji: Maybe I knew, most likely I didn't. The world will never know.

Eren: Hey, I didn't know the corporal had a sister.

Armin: Me either.

Levi: She's not my sister, she's just my idiot friend.

Isabel: I'm not an idiot!

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