IRL Pool Chat

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(I don't think I'm completely ready for this. Well, whatever!)

Eren grabbed his towel and dorm keys. He walked quickly out of his apartment, locking his brand new door behind him. He walked down the hall, past the Corporals room and turned to the right. There were two large glass doors that led into the pool. You needed a password to get inside, so he was hoping someone was already in there.

He approached the doors to hear some yelling inside. Gracie and Hanji were there, both standing over a garbage can.

"Please Gracie! That fin helped me get through my first day of training!" Hanji pleaded, down on her knees in front of Gracie.

"Nope! This shark fin scared the hell out of me last time, it's gone, unless you want me to chase you around the dorms again?" Gracie said, dropping the fin in the trash. Surprisingly, flames started shooting out of the garbage can, most likely destroying everything inside.

"Hey Eren!" Someone called. Eren turned to see Sasha, Jean, Mikasa and Armin walking down the hall towards them.

"Hey guys." Eren smiled waving back at them. He then turned back to the door, knocking three hard times.

Gracie and Hanji were still yelling at each other, but Levi suddenly appeared and opened the door.

"Where did you come from?" Eren asked, walking alongside his friends and into the pool area.

"I don't have to answer that." He muttered, closing the door behind us. They gave him some strange looks and put there stuff down on the chairs next to the others.

"Let's jump in!" Jean yelled, running up and stopping at the edge of the pool. "No, let's go down the slide!" Sasha grinned running up and stopping at the slide's ladder. "I want to go on the diving board!" Yelled Eren, sprinting over and standing on top of the diving board.

"It doesn't matter what you do, JUST DO IT!" Yelled Hanji, she seemed to have stopped fighting over the shark fin. Everyone smiled and did there thing. But sadly, the all bumped into each other, screaming and then falling into the pool.

Gracie started to laugh at them, while Levi gave them a disapproving look. Hanji snorted and nudged Gracie and Levi closer towards the pool.

"Why don't you guys get in!" Jean asked, when everyone was above water. They all turned to look at the three who were still dry.

"Well, um. Somebody has to make sure you don't drown?" Gracie said. Jean smiled and looked over at his friends. Everyone had come up with the plan a minute before. Eren and Sasha has secretly got out when the others weren't looking, and stood behind them.

Mikasa gave them a quick signal and everyone backed up. Eren and Sasha shoved Gracie, Hanji and Levi into the pool.

"What the—!" Hanji screamed. They all yelled and fell on top of each other into the water. When they came back up, everyone knew they were screwed.

"YOUR ALL SERIOUSLY GONNA DIE!" Gracie screamed. Some water guns mysteriously appeared in there hands and they began to fire at us.

"WATER WARRRRR!" Hanji yelled, beginning to laugh like a maniac.


1 - Gracie, Hanji, Levi.

2- Mikasa, Eren, Armin

3- Jean, Sasha.

"Why does my team only have two people in it?!" Jean groaned. Suddenly, Eren shot Sasha with his gun.

"You only have one now Jean!" He laughed and ran quickly away.

Sasha crossed her arms and went to sit down in the "out" section. She honestly didn't want to cheer for Jean.

Levi smirked holding a water balloon. He saw Armin standing in the corner looking nervous. He aimed and threw the balloon at him.

"ARMIM! NOOOOOOO!" Eren screamed, lunging at Armin. He took the hit, saving Armin but getting himself out. Levi high-fived Hanji and Gracie, them being the only full team left.

Gracie was able to get Mikasa out and Hanji managed to get Jean out. So, only Armin was left.

Team one smiled, thinking this would be easy. But the whole time, Armin was planning for this. He took a water gun that was left on the floor and shot it super hard at the wall.

The water bounced off and hit Hanji, who lost balance and knocked Gracie and Levi into the pool.

"YES! WE WON!" Eren cheered, everyone stood up from the out zone and lifted Armin up, chanting his name.

Gracie and Levi started yelling at Hanji, who started yelling at them.

"Wait! I have the best revenge plan ever!" Gracie whispered. The others smiled as Gracie told them what she was thinking. The nodded and crept out of the pool while the others were still cheering. The all grabbed their stuff and walked to the door. Hanji put in the password that only those three knew and left.

"Wait, where did they go?" Mikasa asked, turned to look around the whole area.

"Oh my god, they left! And we don't have the password to leave!" Armin said, starting to panic.

They all tested out different passwords including, JeanIsAHorse, MagicMonkeys, TITANNNNSSS!, and purple.

When none of them worked, they all sat down on there towels and began to eat some snacks Sasha brought.

"Well, were screwed!" Jean said, while everyone nodded in agreement.


*Gracie has logged on*

Gracie: Well, that was dramatic. Hope you guys are having a great summer! Just letting you know, I'm gonna be leaving the country on vacation on Monday, so updates might be slow.

Gracie: I'll do my best to continue updating over the summer! And here's a random question, what are your top three favorite tv shows / anime!

Gracie: Mine are, Attack on Titan, Love Tyrant and Pretty Little Liars! She ya soon! 💞

*Gracie has logged off*

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