IRL Handcuff Chat

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(Eren's perspective)

I yawned, stretching my arms above my head. But, for some strange reason, I felt a heavy weight on my left arm.

"Oi, what the hell?" I immediately recognized the voice and yelped, jumping back and falling off the side of the bed.

"C-corporal?" I questioned peeking over the bed again. He gave me an odd look, then looking down at his right arm. I looked as well, seeing shiny silver handcuffs locking us together.

"Damn it, she actually did it." I muttered, glancing up at the corporal.


We both turned to see a small silver and black phone, opened to a blank page. Levi reached for it and neatly typed with his left hand.

"I'll see if I can get us out of these stupid handcuffs." He said, pressing the enter button. We both waited for something to happen, but sadly, nothing.

"So what should we do?" I asked nervously, glancing back up at the captain. He shrugged and stood up, forcing me to stand as well.

"Get what we want." He said typing once again on the phone. I gave him a confused look and then felt a weird tingle. I looked down and realized we were both in our uniforms. Levi began walking out of the room, dragging me along behind him. I sighed realizing I probably wasn't gonna get anything I want today. I quickly followed the captain down a flight of stairs and into the main room. Cadets gave us odd looks, but Levi continued to drag me along as we entered a some-what empty room. He swiftly typed on the phone and ten familiar people suddenly appeared. Hanji, Gracie, Erwin, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Krista, Ymir, Sasha and Connie.

"Whoa! Magic!" Connie gasped. Sasha grinned and nodded, jumping up and down with her friend. Mikasa and Armin glanced at each other, Erwin just stared at me and the captain, Ymir continued braiding Krista's hair and Hanji and Gracie were fangirling?

"This will be the fun part." Levi whispered. I gave him an odd look and tried to see what he was typing. He moved the phone away from my view and I heard the faint click of the enter button. Then, the madness had truly begun. All ten of the people stopped what they were doing and turned to face us. They seemed consciously aware of what they were doing, but their bodies were under the corporals control.

A tiny comb appeared in Erwin's hand and he began brushing his eyebrows, while singing some sort of song? Mikasa and Armin then stepped forward and held out there hands. I blinked and then realized they were now holding Windex bottles and cleaning rags. They sprinted around the room, cleaning everything in sight. I sighed and sat down, raising my arm so the handcuffs didn't pull on my wrist. Next, Ymir and Krista then stepped forward, and started doing the same thing as Armin and Mikasa. The others ended up doing the same thing besides Hanji and Gracie, well not including Erwin who was still brushing his eyebrows. Hanji then fell onto her knees and started chanting "Sorry Levi! Im terrible!" Gracie sighed and stepped forward.

"This junk doesn't work on me! So ima stand over there and take pictures!" She smiled before running to the corner. Levi shrugged and continued typing.

"Um, can I give it a try?" I asked carefully, glancing up at the captain from where I was sitting. He looked down and then back at the phone.

"Im in a good mood." He stated before handing me the phone. I smiled and thought for a moment before typing. I smiled and quickly pressed enter, glancing up from the phone. Jean stopped cleaning and turned to face us. He began making horse noises and galloped around the room. I giggled and glanced at the captain. He gave me an odd look, but shrugged and reached for the phone. I pulled away wanting to do more with the phone, but I completely forgot about the handcuffs causing the corporal to fall down onto of me. His face was directly in front of mine, so I just glanced away not knowing what to do. I heard a gasp from the back corner of the room and a heavy thud. Gracie must of passed out again.

"Tch." Levi reached for the phone, but I held it above his head with my free hand, smirking.

"You really wanna do this?" He asked angrily. I was honestly terrified, but why not mess with him while we were handcuffed together? I was probably gonna regret this later. Anyway, Levi reached for the phone, but with his short arms his fingers were an inch or two away from the screen. He placed his cuffed hand on my chest and reached again for the phone. I stretched my arm further up, which made Levi growl once again.

"You fricken' brat." He scowled, quickly poking me hard in the ribs. Flinching, I dropped the phone onto his head. Levi clenched his teeth for a moment before grabbing the phone and moving away from me. I laughed as Levi shot me angry glare. Sighing, I looked back at the cleaning cadets, eyebrow brushing Erwin and Jean the horse. What a weird day it was.

"Okay! Its been a while! We've got better things to do!" I turned and saw Gracie behind us, holding a separate phone. She clicked a button and the phone in Levi's hand disappeared, but the handcuffs stayed in place. The others snapped out of there trace and looked around in confusion.

"Oh, and the handcuffs are staying for a while!" She grinned, sending a thumbs up towards Hanji. Mikasa glared at her, and Erwin continued to brush his eyebrows.

Eren smirked towards Levi, which just caused him to roll his eyes.


IM SORRY. I SUCK. I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN LIKE A MONTH. Okay, enough with the caps myself! Well, school started, its Hanji's birthday, IVE GOT TWO CHAPTERS O WRITE TONIGHT! Well, I better get started.

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